P. 15

                                                                                                                    Saturday 2 April 2016

Loyal Guests Honored at the Hyatt Regency Resort & Casino

EAGLE BEACH - Recently         in the name of the Minister    Jimmy and Stacie are         at the Hyatt Regency is like  ism Authority, together with
the Aruba Tourism Authority    of Tourism as a token of ap-   regular guests at the Hyatt  being home for them. The      their daughter, and associ-
had the great pleasure of      preciation to guests who       Regency and they love        certificate was presented     ates from the Hyatt Regen-
honoring a very loyal cou-     visit Aruba for 10-to-19 con-  Aruba very much because      by Mr. Ricardo Croes rep-     cy Resort team.q
ple as Distinguished Visitors  secutive years.                of the friendly people, the  resenting the Aruba Tour-
at the Hyatt Regency Re-       The honorees were Mr. Jim-     climate, beaches, restau-
sort & Casino. The symbolic    my and Mrs. Stacie Pecci       rants, relaxation and be-
honorary title is presented    of New Jersey.                 ing on Aruba and staying
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