Page 48 - MIN ECEM
P. 48
LOCAL Friday 28 July 2017
Loyal Guests Honored at the Divi Village Beach Resort
DRUIF BEACH - Recently the Aruba ister of Tourism as a token of appre- to Aruba! James, Kimberly, Cody Divi Village Beach Resort is like be-
Tourism Authority had the great ciation to guests who visit Aruba for and Carrie are loyal members of ing at their vacation ‘home-away-
pleasure of honoring a very special 10-to-19 consecutive years. the Divi Village Beach Resort and from-home.’
couple who are loyal and friendly The honorees were Mr. James and they love Aruba very much be- The certificate was presented by
visitors of Aruba as Distinguished Mrs. Kimberly May and their chil- cause of the friendly people, fun in Ms. Marouska Heyliger represent-
Visitors at the Divi Village Beach Re- dren Mr. Cody and Ms. Carrie May the sun, the climate, the beaches ing the Aruba Tourism Authority
sort. The symbolic honorary title is from Pennsylvania, celebrating and the restaurants. They say that together with associates from the
presented in the name of the Min- their 10th consecutive annual visit being on Aruba and staying at the Divi Village Beach Resort.q