Page 12 - MIN VOS 5 AUG 2015
P. 12

                                                                                                                      Wednesday 5 August 2015

Aruban Windsurfer Making an Impression at PWA-World Cup

ORANJESTAD/FUERTE, Spain      Spain.                           Ethan Westera achieved
- Local talent and young      Being the youngest sailor        in the Junior category, sec-
windsurfer Ethan Westera      on tour, he managed to           ond place in the IFCA Sla-
who is only 17 years old,     finish first place in the Youth  lom World Championship in
just finished his participa-  category and 19th place in       Reggio Calabria, Italy and
tion with good results last   the Men’s category, leav-        in the Men’s category, sec-
weekend at the PWA sla-       ing some quite famous and        ond place long distance
lom World Cup (Profes-        experienced sailors behind       and Slalom at Aruba Hi-
sional Windsurf Association)  him.                             Winds.”q
event at Fuerte Ventura,      Previous to this event,
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