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                                                                                                 U.S. NewS Diabierna 19 Maart 2021
                            10th juror picked, lawyers clash over expert in Floyd trial

                                                                                                   and  on  defense  motions  for  At one point, Cahill told her:
                                                                                                   delaying or moving the trial.  “You can’t be an expert wit-
                                                                                                   Progress  in  jury  selection  ness in the jury room.”
                                                                                                   comes  after  the  judge  on  She  said  she  could  refrain
                                                                                                   Wednesday dismissed two of  from  relying  on  her  own
                                                                                                   seven jurors who were seated  knowledge.
                                                                                                   before news of the city’s $27  Three potential jurors ques-
                                                                                                   million settlement broke last  tioned  early  Thursday  were
                                                                                                   week.  Cahill  re-questioned  excused,  including  one  who
                                                                                                   them to see if the massive set-  said she had been constantly
                                                                                                   tlement  affected their ability  exposed  to  news  of  Floyd’s
                                                                                                   to be fair and impartial.    death and that the announce-
                                                                                                   City leaders have taken sharp  ment of the city’s settlement
                                                                                                   criticism for the timing of the  pushed her to favor the state’s
                                                                                                   settlement. City Attorney Jim  position.
                                                                                                   Rowader said Thursday  that  Prosecutors used one of their
                                                                                                   the city agreed to the settle-  peremptory strikes to dismiss
                                                                                                   ment  because  there  was  no  another,  a  mother  of  five
                                                                                                   guarantee  the  offer  would  adult  children  who  said  she
                                                                                                   still be available later.    respects  police  officers,  was
                                                                                                                                bothered by prior allegations
                                                                                                   “In general, there is no good  against Floyd and believes the
                                                                                                   timing  to  settle  any  case,  media  exaggerates  discrimi-
                                                                                                   particularly  one  as  complex  nation.
            (AP)  —  Attorneys  at  the  son’s anxiety or panic during  ecution  gets  to  present  that  and  involved  and  sensitive  The third potential juror was
            trial of a former Minneap-   a  traumatic  event.  Officers  evidence to the jury, the de-  as  this,”  City  Attorney  Jim  dismissed because she is ac-
            olis police officer charged  who  confronted  Floyd  after  fense  should  be  able  to  tell  Rowader  said,  according  to  quainted with someone who
            in  George  Floyd’s  death  he  allegedly  tried  to  pass  a  the  jury  about  Floyd’s  drug  the  Minneapolis  Star  Tri-  will  be  a  central  witness  in
            moved closer to seating a  counterfeit $20 bill at a con-  arrest a year earlier, when he  bune.                    the  state’s  case  and  will  talk
            jury Thursday, choosing a  venience store pointed a gun  did not resist getting put into  Of the 10 seated jurors, five  about sensitive material.
            10th juror just hours after  at him, and he struggled and  a squad car.                are men and five are women.  Cahill  has  set  March  29  for
            clashing  over  how  much  told  them  he  had  claustro-  Nelson also has said there are  According  to  the  court,  five  opening  statements  if  the
            the  panel  should  hear  of  phobia as they tried to force  striking  similarities  between  are white, two are multiracial  jury is complete by then.
            Floyd’s own actions.         him into the car.            the two encounters that could  and three are Black, and their
                                         Prosecutors  want  to  show  show  a  pattern  of  behavior:  ages range from 20s to 50s.  Chauvin  is  charged  with
            The  latest  juror,  a  white  that  Floyd  might  have  been  Both times, as officers drew  Fourteen  jurors,  including  murder and manslaughter in
            woman  in  her  50s,  is  a  reg-  unable  to  comply  with  the  their guns and struggled with  two alternates, are needed.  the May 25 death of Floyd, a
            istered nurse. She was added  officers’  orders,  and  wasn’t  Floyd,  he  called  out  for  his  The juror selected on Thurs-  Black man who was declared
            after  reassuring  lawyers  and  actually  resisting  arrest  —  mother, claimed he had been  day  underwent  extensive  dead  after  Chauvin,  who
            the judge that she could re-  something Blackwell said he  shot  before  and  cried,  and  questioning  from  attorneys  is  white,  pressed  his  knee
            frain  from  using  her  own  was certain that Chauvin’s at-  put what appeared to be pills  and  from  Cahill  about  her  against  his  neck  for  about
            medical knowledge to add to  torney Eric Nelson intended  in  his  mouth.  Drugs  were  experience as a nurse, wheth-  nine minutes. Floyd’s death,
            evidence  presented  in  court  to do.                    found during the first arrest,  er  she  has  ever  resuscitated  captured on bystander video,
            at Derek Chauvin’s trial.    “The defense is doing a full-  and an autopsy showed Floyd  anyone  and  how  she  would  set  off weeks of sometimes-
            Earlier,   prosecutor   Jerry  on trial of George Floyd, who  had drugs in his system when  view medical evidence in the  violent  protests  across  the
            Blackwell  argued  that  a  fo-  is not on trial, but that is what  he died.           case.                        country and led to a national
            rensic  psychiatrist  should  they’re  doing,”  said  Black-  Hennepin County Judge Pe-  The  woman  said  she  would  reckoning on racial justice.
            be  allowed  to  testify  how  well, adding that the defense  ter  Cahill  said  he’ll  rule  on  draw upon her knowledge to  Three  other  former  officers
            Floyd’s  behavior  as  officers  also  planned  to  make  argu-  Vinson’s  testimony  on  Fri-  evaluate  medical  testimony  face an August trial in Floyd’s
            attempted  to  put  him  into  ments  about  Floyd’s  drug  day, when he plans to issue a  and recognizes the amount of  death  on  charges  of  aiding
            the squad car was consistent  use.                        broader ruling on the admis-  time a person can be without  and  abetting  second-degree
            with  any  reasonable  per-  Nelson said that if the pros-  sibility of Floyd’s 2019 arrest  air before going unconscious.  murder and manslaughter.
                     Stone tablet marking First Amendment freedoms finds new home

            (AP)  —  A  four-story,  50-                                                                                        The  tablet  is  engraved  with
            ton  marble  tablet  en-                                                                                            the First Amendment, which
            graved with the text of the                                                                                         protects  freedom  of  speech,
            First  Amendment,  previ-                                                                                           press, religion, assembly and
            ously displayed on the fa-                                                                                          the right to petition the gov-
            cade of the now-shuttered                                                                                           ernment. It’s a gift from the
            Newseum  in  Washington,                                                                                            Freedom  Forum,  the  cre-
            will  find  a  new  home  in                                                                                        ator of the Newseum, a mu-
            Philadelphia  across  from                                                                                          seum  dedicated  to  the  First
            Independence Hall.                                                                                                  Amendment.  It  was  sold  to
                                                                                                                                Johns  Hopkins  University
            The  National  Constitution                                                                                         and closed in 2019.
            Center, which sits in an area                                                                                       “It’s  so  meaningful  to  bring
            of the city billed as America’s                                                                                     the text of the First Amend-
            most  historic  square  mile,                                                                                       ment  to  Philadelphia,”  Na-
            will  erect  the  tablet  in  an                                                                                    tional  Constitution  Center
            atrium overlooking Indepen-                                                                                         President  Jeffrey  Rosen  said
            dence  Hall,  the  UNESCO                                                                                           in  a  statement.  He  said  it
            World  Heritage  Site  where                                                                                        would  “inspire  visitors  for
            both the Declaration of Inde-                                                                                       generations to come.”
            pendence and the U.S. Con-                                                                                          A  dedication  ceremony  is
            stitution were adopted.      The  district  is  also  home  to  the Liberty Bell and the First  Bank of the United States.  planned for later this year.
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