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WORLD NEWSTuesday 17 November 2015
Puerto Ricans fear for their health as federal cuts loom
DANICA COTO crisis coming on,” said Dr. through 2017.
Associated Press Medical care experts say
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) Jose Carlo Izquierdo, a the cuts will pressure doc-
— An incurable disease tors and hospitals to pro-
has given Jose Gonzalez neurologist and dean of vide services for less mon-
Ortiz the health of an old ey, and more physicians
man at age 42, and the the University of Puerto Ri- will likely leave Puerto Rico
collapsing Puerto Rican for better pay on the U.S.
health system only adds to co’s medical school. mainland.
his pain. Meanwhile, few doctors
He was refused the $300 Funding for Puerto Rico’s with specialties would re-
worth of monthly medica- main on an island where
tions he needs to treat the Medicare Advantage about 45 percent live in
degenerative illness known poverty and the number
as Lou Gehrig’s disease that program, serving about of those 65 and older in-
attacks the cells that con- creased by 28 percent
trol his muscles. His health 560,000 of the island’s more from 2000 to 2012.
care plan won’t pay for “It’s a perfect storm,” said
the respiratory equipment disadvantaged people, Dr. Antonio Puras Baez, a
that doctors say would surgeon and chair of the
ease his breathing. Unable will be slashed by 11 per- urology department at the
to walk, he lurches about University of Puerto Rico.
on a walker donated by cent in January, a move “Patients will be left without
his church because he was services.”
denied a wheelchair for his expected to lead to more Officials say Medicaid re-
amyotrophic lateral sclero- imbursements for Puerto
sis, or ALS. expensive copays and the Rico are already 70 per-
“I’m so angry and frus- cent lower than on the U.S.
trated,” the former prison loss of some benefits. More mainland, while Medicare
guard said at his home in reimbursements are 40
the seaside town of Are- Jose Gonzalez Ortiz, 42, who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease, cuts to Medicaid are an- percent lower. Medicaid
cibo. uses a towel to wipe away his tears while being interviewed provides health care for
Despite the Christmas tree by the Associated Press at his home in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. ticipated over the next two people of limited resourc-
and lights his wife put up The 42-year-old former prison guard struggled moving from es, while Medicare serves
early to cheer up their the porch to inside his modest concrete house, using a walker years, affecting about 1.6 people 65 and older and
home, this is a gloomy sea- that his church donated because Puerto Rico’s straining public those younger with certain
son for Gonzalez and 2.37 health care system won’t pay for a wheelchair, and will soon million Puerto Ricans like disabilities.q
be picking up the bill for less. (AP Photo/Ricardo Arduengo)
Gonzalez who rely on the
funds through Mi Salud, a
local government health
care plan.
million of other Puerto Ri- implemented nevertheless. “Things are becoming
cans who rely on a health The cuts will affect the en-
system funded by Medic- tire U.S., but Puerto Rico worse and worse and
aid and Medicare. is expected to feel them
The island is bracing for more acutely because worse, and we’re not see-
steep funding cuts to fed- the island already receives
eral health care plans that lower funding levels than ing the light at the end of
serve nearly 70 percent of the mainland, it has a pov-
the U.S. territory’s 3.5 mil- erty level higher than any the tunnel,” said his wife,
lion people. Local officials U.S. state and it is already in
have been talking with the the midst of an economic Brenda Torres Lopez.
federal government about crisis and a nearly decade-
the proposed funding loss, long recession. Puerto Rico spends about
but believe they will be “There’s a devastating
$11 billion a year on health
care, while the federal
government provides
nearly $6 billion through
Medicare and Medicaid
programs and is on track
to cut at least half of that
Argentine presidential candidates blast each other in debate
PETER PRENGAMAN danger for society” and facing the country was a tines are frustrated by in- Macri. The tight finished
Associated Press would “bring Argentina to government that “never flation near 30 percent, means a runoff on Nov. 22.
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina its knees.” stopped lying to people.” restrictions on buying U.S. While Scioli got more votes
(AP) — Argentina’s two Scioli, the governor of the Macri said that lowering dollars and few job oppor- in the first round, Marci has
presidential candidates on vast Buenos Aires province, poverty rates by revital- tunities. become the front-runner,
Sunday claimed the other argued that a devaluation izing sagging sectors of At the same time, Argen- according to polls in recent
was lying and running from of the Argentine peso was the economy, such as the tines have nightmarish weeks that put him ahead
his record during a debate inevitable under Macri, as national railroad system, memories of the country’s by as many as 8 percent-
filled with barbs that were were cuts to popular so- would be a central focus 2001-2002 financial crisis, age points. Macri finished
clearly aimed at appeal- cial welfare programs for on his administration. when Argentina defaulted much better than expect-
ing to undecided voters the poor and subsidies for “I don’t think people are on $100 billion in debt and ed, particularly in the prov-
a week before an historic everything from gas bills to afraid” of changes, said millions were plunged into ince of Buenos Aires, which
runoff election. bus fares. Macri, speaking Scioli. “I poverty. That recent his- has 40 percent of Argen-
Ruling party candidate “Who is going to pay for think you all are the ones tory makes any discussion tina’s 41 million people.
Daniel Scioli, the chosen the huge devaluation?” who are afraid because of economic changes par- Four additional candidates
successor of outgoing Pres- said Scioli. you have abused power.” ticularly sensitive. who ran in the first round
ident Cristina Fernandez, Macri, the mayor of Buenos The election comes at a In last month’s presiden- will not be on the runoff
said the economic ideas Aires who has run on free- time when Latin America’s tial election, Scioli got 37 ballot, meaning nearly 30
of opposition candidate market ideas, countered third largest economy is percent of the vote com- percent of the electorate
Mauricio Macri “were a that the biggest problem stagnated. Many Argen- pared to 34 percent for is up for grabs.q