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                Tuesday 29 November 2022
            Santa’s back in town with inflation, inclusion on his mind

            Continued from Front

            Inflation  has  also  taken  a
            bite  out  of  Santa.  Many
            are older, on fixed incomes
            and  travel  long  distances
            to  don  the  red  suit.  They
            spend  hundreds  on  their
            costumes  and  other  ac-
            “We’re charging the clients
            slightly more and we’re also
            paying  our  Santas  slightly
            more,” Allen said.
            Bookings  for  many  San-
            tas  were  made  months  in
            advance,  and  some  work
            year-round.  Allen’s  San-
            tas will earn from $5,000 to
            $12,000 for the season.
            A  few  Santas  told  The  As-
            sociated    Press   they’re
            unbothered  by  the  cost,
            however. They’re not in the
            Santa profession to make a
            buck but do it out of sheer
            Allen  and  other  agencies
            are juggling more requests
            for inclusive Santas, such as
            Black,  deaf  and  Spanish-
            speaking  performers.  Allen
            also has a female Santa on
            speed dial.
            “I  haven’t  been  busted    Santa Claus waves from atop a float along 6th Avenue during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Thursday, Nov. 24, 2022, in New
            yet  by  the  kids  and,  with                                                                                                  Associated Press
            one exception, by the par-
            ents,  either,”  said  48-year-  ing  on  the  roles  as  volun-  ple  hard.  They’ve  lowered  connect  with  the  hearing  mostly  due  to  the  costs  of
            old  Melissa  Rickard,  who  teers  in  2007.  Both  are  re-  their  rates  at  times  when  kids as well,” said Graves, a  transportation,  accommo-
            stepped into the role in her  tired military.             they sense that people are  spry Santa at 52.             dation  and  materials,”  he
            early  20s  when  the  Santa  They spent weeks in formal  struggling.                  Graves, who has a day job  said.  “Personally,  I’m  rais-
            hired by her father’s lodge  Claus  training.  Among  the  “People  are  having  issues  at  a  school  for  deaf  chil-  ing  my  rates  a  bit  for  new
            fell ill.                    skills  they  picked  up  was  just  eating,  but  they  don’t  dren,  also  received  train-  clients but I’m holding pric-
            “To  have  a  child  not  be  American  Sign  Language  want to miss out on the ex-    ing  to  be  Santa.  He  works  es  this  year  for  my  repeat
            able  to  tell  I’m  a  woman  and other ways to accom-   perience,” Eric said. Some-  as  Santa  with  interpreters.  gigs.”
            in one sense is the ultimate  modate  people  with  dis-  times, he said, “You’ll meet  Breaking  in  has  been  dif-  Arnold,  who’s  in  Memphis,
            compliment  because  it  abilities.                       them and be like, `You go  ficult  and  expensive,  he  Tennessee,  charges  $250
            means I’m doing Santa jus-   Their  work  has  included  ahead and hold on to that.  says, but “this is something  to  $350  an  hour.  Others  in
            tice. It cracks my husband  trips into disaster zones with  I know you worked hard for  really,  really  important  to  his  organization,  depend-
            up,”  added  Rickard,  who  the  Texas-based  nonprofit  that.’”                       me.”                         ing on location and expe-
            lives outside Little Rock, Ar-  Lone Star Santas to lend a  For other clients, the Elliotts  By mid-November, he had  rience,  charge  anywhere
            kansas.  “I  know  there  are  little cheer.              charge    anywhere    from  more than a dozen gigs, in-   from $100 to $500 an hour,
            more of us out there.”       The  Elliotts,  who  are  Black,  $150 to $300 an hour.   cluding a parade in Santa  the  latter  in  big  cities  like
            By  mid-November,  Rickard  say  breaking  into  the  top  Charles  Graves,  a  rare,  Paula,  California,  a  mall  in  Los Angeles. Some, he said,
            had  more  than  100  gigs  tier  of  Santas  as  first-time  professional  deaf  Santa  in  Austin,  Texas,  and  at  Mor-  don’t know their worth and
            lined up, through Hire San-  pros  and  Clauses  of  color  New  Braunfels,  Texas,  said  gan’s  Wonderland,  a  non-  lowball  it  at  $50  or  $75  an
            ta and other means.          hasn’t been easy. For some  through an interpreter that  profit  accessible  theme  hour.
            “A  lot  of  it  is  word  of  people,  Eric  said,  “We  un-  he was inspired to grow his  park  in  San  Antonio.  He’s  As  for  the  pandemic,  Ar-
            mouth,” she said. “It’s `Hey,  derstand that we’re not the  beard and put on the suit in  also doing some Zoom vis-  nold  hasn’t  heard  a  word
            have you seen the female  Santa for you.”                 part  by  awkward  encoun-   its.                         about  it  from  his  clients,
            Santa?’”                     The  Santa  Experience  at  ters with hearing Santas as  Among Santa’s rising costs  compared to last year and
            Rickard  charges  roughly  Mall  of  America  in  Bloom-  a child.                     this  year  are  his  duds.  The  2020,  when  he  worked  in-
            $175 an hour as Santa, de-   ington,  Minnesota,  is  staff-  “As  a  child,  I  was  very  ex-  price  of  suits,  from  custom  side a snow globe. The San-
            pending  on  the  job,  and  ing  up  with  six  Saint  Nicks,  cited  to  receive  a  gift,  to  ready-to-wear,  is  up  tas  he  knows  seem  unflus-
            donates  all  but  her  fuel  including  two  who  are  but  then  you  just  kind  of  about  25%,  said  72-year-  tered.
            money to charity. And her  Black  and  its  first  Asian  go  away  and  you’re  like,  old Stephen Arnold, a long-  “I’m surprised how few peo-
            beard? Yak hair.             Santa. Visits in Spanish and  there’s   no   connection  time Santa who heads the  ple  are  concerned  about
            Eric  Elliott’s  carefully  tend-  Cantonese are provided.  there. Children look at me  more  than  2,000-strong  In-  it,”  Arnold  said.  “I  visit  my
            ed  white  beard  is  the  real  Working  smaller  jobs,  in-  now and they’re like, wow,  ternational  Brotherhood  of  wife twice a day in a nurs-
            deal. He and his Mrs. Claus,  cluding house visits, the El-  you  know,  there’s  a  con-  Real Bearded Santas.     ing  facility.  I’m  diabetic.  I
            wife  Moeisha  Elliott,  went  liotts  have  seen  how  rising  nection there with the deaf  “Most  of  the  performers  I  mean,  most  of  us  are  old
            pro  this  year  after  first  tak-  prices  have  hit  some  peo-  culture.  And  I  can  always  know are raising their rates,  fat men.”q
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