Page 38 - jus jan 6,2016
P. 38


WORLD NEWSWednesday 6 January 2016

Venezuela opposition controls congress after 17 years  Caribbean Briefs

HANNAH DREIER                    tame compared to the            shouted as the incoming       dent economy out of a tail-                                       Haiti election chief
JOSHUA GOODMAN                   chanting and shoving in-        parliamentary president,      spin marked by triple-digit                                       claims runoff can’t
Associated Press                 side the chamber.               Henry Ramos, muscled his      inflation and the world’s                                         be held by Jan. 17 
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)          Reflecting the changing         way through the crowd.        deepest recession.
— Venezuela’s opposition         political winds, journalists    “There’s a criminal conspir-  What unites the two fac-                                          PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)
took majority control of the     were granted access to          acy running the country;      tions is an agenda of prob-                                       — Haiti’s elections chief
National Assembly on Tues-       the legislature for the first   you can’t negotiate with      ing government corruption                                         says it will be “impossible”
day after years in the po-                                                                                                                                       to hold a presidential and
litical wilderness, setting the  Opposition legislators pose for a group photo on the steps of the National Assembly entrance,                                   legislative runoff in time
stage for a potential power      after attending their swearing-in ceremony, in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016. Ven-                                  for a democratic transfer
struggle with embattled          ezuela’s opposition was sworn in as the majority during a heated parliamentary session that saw                                 of power by the constitu-
President Nicolas Maduro.        pro-government representatives walk out in protest after pushing and shoving their way onto the                                 tional deadline. Outgoing
Lawmakers were sworn in          dais as the new leadership laid out its legislative agenda.                                                                     President Michel Martelly
during a heated parlia-                                                                                                                                          announced last week that
mentary session that saw                                                                                                              (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)  Haiti’s Provisional Electoral
pro-government represen-                                                                                                                                         Council was warning that
tatives walk out in protest      time in years and state TV      criminals.” Opposition law-   and freeing opposition fig-                                       the runoff must be held by
after pushing their way          broadcast interviews with       makers promise sweeping       ures that they and many                                           Jan. 17 to fulfill the constitu-
onto the dais as the new         opposition leaders. Con-        changes, while the social-    human rights groups con-                                          tional mandate of inaugu-
leadership tried to lay out      spicuously absent inside        ists have been equally ad-    sider political prisoners. It’s                                   rating a new president Feb.
its legislative agenda.          the domed building were         amant that the legislature    a polarizing issue that also                                      7. But in a Monday letter to
It’s the first time in 17 years  the oversize portraits of       not erode social gains of     promises to rally govern-                                         Martelly, Council President
that opponents of the so-        Chavez giving a salute and      Chavez’s revolution.          ment supporters.                                                  Pierre-Louis Opont said
cialist revolution begun by      independence hero Simon         The 72-year-old Ramos,        “It’s completely illogical,”                                      they would need more
the late President Hugo          Bolivar that had been a fix-    a sharp-tongued, pre-         the outgoing National As-                                         time. He says 12 days of
Chavez have controlled           ture for years.                 Chavez-era politician who     sembly president, Diosda-                                         preparation “will not be
the legislature, and many        Instead, from the public        beat out moderates in the     do Cabello, said of the pro-                                      sufficient to complete the
leaders seemed rapt in           gallery, the wife of jailed     opposition coalition to take  posed amnesty law. “It’s                                          process.”q
disbelief. The opposition        opposition leader Leop-         the president’s gavel, reit-  like the assassins pardoning
won a two-thirds majority        oldo Lopez held up a sign       erated in his inaugural re-   themselves.”                                                       Dominican troops
in a landslide election vic-     reading “Amnesty Now,”          marks his commitment to       Jennifer McCoy, a long-                                             reinforce border
tory last month, giving it       referring to what’s likely to   six-month deadline to re-     time observer of Venezuela                                         as migrants return 
unprecedented strength to        be the legislature’s first or-  move Maduro by constitu-      elections for a pro-democ-
challenge Maduro’s rule.         der of business: a law free-    tional means, echoing de-     racy group founded by                                             SANTO DOMINGO, Domini-
But that key super-majority      ing dozens of activists jailed  mands made by hard-liners     formerU.S. President Jimmy                                        can Republic (AP) — The
is now in doubt after a gov-     during anti-government          during the 2014 protests.     Carter, said the coming                                           Dominican Republic has
ernment-stacked Supreme          protests in 2014 that result-   Moderates have criticized     weeks will tell whether the                                       sent hundreds of soldiers
Court barred four lawmak-        ed in dozens of deaths.         that strategy and instead     government and opposi-                                            to its border with Haiti to
ers from taking their seats      “Keep a strong hand!”           advocate pragmatic steps      tion can put aside their mu-                                      make it harder for migrants
at the last minute while it      65-year-old Mary Mujica         to wrench the oil-depen-      tual hatred.q                                                     without legal residency to
considers allegations of                                                                                                                                         enter the country after re-
electoral fraud. As a result,                                                                                                                                    turning home to spend the
only 163 of 167 lawmakers                                                                                                                                        holidays. A contingent of
were sworn in during Tues-                                                                                                                                       900 troops was dispatched
day’s ceremony.                                                                                                                                                  as part of what officials are
Earlier in the day, hundreds                                                                                                                                     calling “Operation Shield.”
of opposition support-                                                                                                                                           They were joining about
ers accompanied the in-                                                                                                                                          1,200 soldiers already as-
coming lawmakers past a                                                                                                                                          signed to patrol the area
heavy military barricade to                                                                                                                                      that divides the island of
the neoclassical legislature                                                                                                                                     Hispaniola. The deploy-
downtown. A few blocks                                                                                                                                           ment announced Tuesday
away, a much larger                                                                                                                                              is part of a broader crack-
crowd of government sup-                                                                                                                                         down on illegal immigra-
porters gathered outside                                                                                                                                         tion. Last year, the gov-
the presidential palace to                                                                                                                                       ernment issued residency
lament the inauguration                                                                                                                                          permits to 184,000 people
of what they call a “bour-                                                                                                                                       who could prove they had
geois parliament” intent on                                                                                                                                      been living in the country
“legislating slavery.”                                                                                                                                           since before October 2011.
The dueling marches were
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