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WORLD NEWS Thursday 10 November 2022
Key fuel depot in Haiti reopens for 1st time since September
— Dozens of trucks lined
up at a main fuel terminal
in Haiti's capital Tuesday to
fill up their tanks for the first
time since a powerful gang
seized control of the area
nearly two months ago.
The drivers were protected
by a heavily armed police
convoy formed two days
after gang boss Jimmy
Cherizier, a former police
officer nicknamed "Bar-
becue," announced that
the G9 gang federation
he leads was lifting a fuel
blockade and allowing
drivers to fill up at the de-
pot. Workers fill fuel tanks with gas at the Varreux fuel terminal, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tuesday, Nov.
Government officials said 8, 2022.
that gas stations. which Associated Press
have been closed since surrounding the depot in Prime Minister Ariel Henry to operations.
mid-September, would be Port-au-Prince that con- request the immediate de- The government has not
resupplied Wednesday tains about 10 million gal- ployment of foreign troops said whether an increase
through Friday and open to lons of diesel fuel and gaso- in early October, a request in fuel prices announced
customers on Saturday. line and more than 800,000 that the U.N. Security Coun- in September would re-
Officials with the Varreux gallons of kerosene. cil has yet to vote on. So main in place. At the time,
terminal said 45 trucks were On Monday, Haiti's Ministry far, the Security Council Henry said his administra-
supplied with more than of Defense issued a state- has only voted to place tion could no longer afford
300,000 gallons of diesel ment saying that soldiers sanctions on Cherizier. to subsidize fuel, sparking
and more than 39,000 gal- and police seized control If gas stations open as large protests and the fuel
lons of gasoline Tuesday. of the fuel terminal after 16 planned, hospitals and blockade by the G9 gang
It wasn't immediately clear operations as it congratu- businesses including banks federation that demanded
if the gang federation re- lated those efforts. and grocery stores are ex- the prime minister's resigna-
tained control of the area The situation had prompted pected to resume normal tion. q
German economy to shrink in 2023, government
advisers expect
BERLIN (AP) — The Ger- ures late last month showed is still widely expected. 10.4% in October as energy
man government's panel unexpected growth in the Two consecutive quarters prices remain high, and the
of independent economic third quarter, thanks to pri- of negative growth is one problem isn't expected to
advisers forecast Wednes- vate spending. technical definition of re- go away soon.
day that Europe's biggest But a weak winter, with cession, but the 19-country Wednesday's report pre-
economy will shrink by 0.2% gross domestic product euro area has a body that dicted an average an-
next year. declining in the last months also uses a broader set of nual inflation rate next
The five-member panel's re- of the year and in the first data including employ- year of 7.4%, a little below
port came after official fig- three months of next year, ment numbers and depth this year's 8%. Officials say
of the economic decline to Germany is well-placed
determine when a reces- to get through the winter
sion occurs. with sufficient energy af-
The advisers' forecast of ter Russia cut off natural
1.7% growth this year and gas supplies but stress that
a decline of 0.2% in 2023 it will still need to conserve
contrasts with a forecast at the fuel that heats homes,
the end of March that Ger- powers factories and gen-
man GDP would expand erates electricity. Federal
by 1.8% this year and 3.6% and state officials agreed
next year. last week on the main de-
It's still more optimistic than tails of a plan to provide up
a forecast by the govern- to 200 billion euros (dollars)
ment itself a month ago, in subsidies to households
Cars and containers are pictured at the 'duisport logport' which foresaw growth of and businesses to ease the
logistics center at the river Rhine in Duisburg, Germany, Friday, 1.4% this year and a de- strain of high gas, electricity
Oct. 28, 2022. cline of 0.4% next year. and heating prices through
Associated Press Inflation has increased to 2024.q