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Diamars 7 di Juli 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
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There is more to the
Tuesday eyes than you see
July 7, 2020
T: 582-7800
Page 31
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Hospitals approaching capacity as Miami closes restaurants
By ADRIANA GOMEZ LICON again after a long holi-
and LISA MARIE PANE day that saw party-goers
Associated Press and sunbathers gathering,
MIAMI (AP) — Hospitals ra- many without masks, on
pidly approached capa- one of the biggest week-
city in Florida and Texas, ends of the summer.
and the Miami area closed Confirmed cases are on
restaurants again Monday the rise in 41 out of 50 states
because of the surging plus the District of Colum-
coronavirus, as the U.S. bia, and the percentage of
emerged from a Fourth of tests coming back positive
July weekend of picnics, for the virus is increasing
pool parties and beach in 39 states. Florida, which
outings that health officials recorded an all-time high
fear could fuel the rapidly of 11,400 cases Saturday
worsening outbreak. and has seen its positive
The see-saw effect — res- test rate over the past two
trictions lifted, then reim- weeks reach more than
posed after a resurgence 18%, has been hit especi-
of cases — has been seen ally hard, along with other A health care worker works at a COVID-19 testing site sponsored by Community Heath of South
around the U.S. in recent Sunbelt states such as Ari- Florida at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Clinica Campesina Health Center, during the coronavirus pan-
weeks and is expected zona, California and Texas. demic, Monday, July 6, 2020, in Homestead, Fla.
Continued on Page 25 Associated Press