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WORLD NEWSMonday 21 March 2016

Spain bus crash kills 13                                                                                             Rift in Britain’s
exchange students; 34 injured 
                                                                                                                     ruling Conservative

HAROLD HECKLE                                                                                                        Party deepens 
Associated Press
MADRID (AP) — A bus car-       Emergency services personnel stand at the scene of a bus ac-                          Iain Duncan Smith leaves             savings in other areas, such
rying university exchange      cident crashed on the AP7 highway that links Spain with France                        BBC Broadcasting House after         as state pensions. Duncan
students back from Spain’s     along the Mediterranean coast near Freginals halfway between                          giving his first interview since     Smith, who resigned late
largest fireworks festival     Valencia and Barcelona early Sunday, March 20, 2016.                                  resigning from his role in gov-      Friday, said he decided to
crashed Sunday on a main                                                                                             ernment, in London, Sunday           leave after the latest ben-
highway in the northeast-                                                                          Associated Press  March 20, 2016.                      efit cuts were “juxtaposed”
ern, killing at least 13 pas-                                                                                                                             with tax breaks for the bet-
sengers and injuring 34 oth-   died in the crash, but Span-   France, Palestine, Turkey,                                                Associated Press  ter off.
ers, officials said.           ish Interior Minister Jorge    Greece.”                                                                                    “The truth is, yes, we need
The passengers included        Fernandez Diaz later con-      It added that two countries                            DANICA KIRKA                         to get the deficit down, but
Spaniards and foreign          firmed the death toll was      — New Zealand and Fin-                                 Associated Press                     we need to make sure we
nationals from around 20       13. He said 28 passengers      land — were still pending                              LONDON (AP) — The rift               widen the scope of where
countries, authorities said.   received medical treat-        confirmation.                                          within Britain’s government          we look to get that deficit
The bus,                       ment in local hospitals and    The statement said autop-                              deepened Sunday, as a                down,” he said. “Because
which was carrying 57          others received first aid at   sies had been completed                                prominent minister who               otherwise it just looks like
passengers, appeared to        the crash site.                on nine of the 13 dead and                             resigned over plans to cut           we see (welfare) as a pot
have hit a guardrail of the    The regional government        a judge would release the                              benefits for the disabled            of money — that it doesn’t
AP7 highway before cart-       of Catalonia said in a state-  bodies to families once full                           said the ruling party risks          matter because they don’t
wheeling across the road,      ment in the early evening      identification was com-                                dividing the country if it           vote for us.”
slamming through a divid-      that “according to the lat-    plete in all cases.                                    doesn’t spread the pain of           Duncan Smith’s resignation
er and landing on its side,    est data, the ill-fated bus    Poland’s Foreign Ministry                              economic austerity across            as work and pensions sec-
said Jordi Jane, spokes-       had students from Hunga-       said one Polish man was                                all segments of society.             retary laid bare escalating
man for Spain’s northeast-     ry, Germany, Sweden, Nor-      hospitalized after the bus                             Iain Duncan Smith told the           tensions within the Conser-
ern Catalonia province.        way, Switzerland, Czech        crash and Swiss authori-                               BBC that Prime Minister              vatives before a June 23
The students, part of the      Republic, United King-         ties said one young Swiss                              David Cameron’s govern-              referendum on whether
Erasmus exchange pro-          dom, Italy, Peru, Bulgaria,    woman was injured, but                                 ment has become too fo-              Britain should remain part
gram, had traveled to the      Poland, Ireland, Japan,        had been discharged from                               cused on cutting welfare             of the European Union.
eastern city of Valencia to    Ukraine, Holland, Belgium,     a hospital.                                            for working age people               Duncan Smith, a former
take part in the renowned                                                                                            as it seeks to balance the           party leader nicknamed
Fallas fireworks festival and                                                                                        budget without looking for           the “quiet man” of British
were returning when the                                                                                                                                   politics, is a leading ad-
bus crashed,                                                                                                                                              vocate of leaving the EU,
                                                                                                                                                          while Cameron supports
  Jane said. Most were                                                                                                                                    continued membership.
studying at two universities                                                                                                                              Britain’s famously vigorous
in Barcelona.                                                                                                                                             press swung into action
The crash took place near                                                                                                                                 Sunday, trying to explain
Freginals, halfway be-                                                                                                                                    Duncan Smith’s departure
tween Valencia and Bar-                                                                                                                                   and asking whether Trea-
celona.                                                                                                                                                   sury chief George Osborne
Initially, Jane said 14 had                                                                                                                               had gone too far with
                                                                                                                                                          his cost-cutting program.
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