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46      HEALTH                                              AWEMainta                              Diabierna, 15 September 2023

                                                          A Comparative Analysis

                                     Vaping vs. Smoking

           he debate surrounding vaping ver-            considered less harmful than smoking              While vaping may provide a less harmful
       Tsus smoking continues to capture                due to the absence of tar and combus-             alternative for those  struggling with

       the  attention  of health  professionals,        tion-related toxins, it is not  entirely          nicotine addiction, it is not a guaran-
       policymakers,  and individuals seeking           without risks. The long-term health               teed method for smoking cessation.
       to make informed choices about their             effects of vaping are still under investi-
       nicotine  consumption.  Both practices           gation, but it has been associated with           In conclusion,  the choice between

       entail  inhaling substances  containing          lung issues and other health concerns.            vaping and smoking carries significant
       nicotine, but they differ significantly in                                                         health implications. Smoking stands as
       terms of their health implications and           Secondhand  exposure  to  vaping                  a well-established health hazard, linked
       the mechanisms of nicotine delivery.             aerosol is considered less harmful than           to numerous diseases and health risks.

                                                        secondhand smoke, yet it is not entirely          Vaping, although generally considered
       Smoking:  A Long-Established  Health             risk-free. The aerosol can contain                less harmful, is not entirely risk-free
       Hazard                                           potentially harmful substances, albeit            and has its own set of concerns.
       Smoking  is  characterized  by  the              at lower levels compared to cigarette

       combustion  of tobacco, producing                smoke. Nicotine addiction remains a               Individuals must  be  well-informed
       smoke laden with harmful chemicals,              concern for vapers, as vaping products            about the potential risks and benefits
       tar, and carcinogens. This smoke is              can contain varying nicotine  concen-             of both practices, and those seeking
       inhaled, serving as the primary vehicle          trations.                                         to quit smoking should consider

       for nicotine  delivery. The  health  risks                                                         consulting healthcare professionals for
       associated with smoking are  well-               Vaping as a Smoking Cessation Tool?               guidance and support in their journey
       documented and alarming. It ranks                A noteworthy  aspect of vaping is  its            toward a smoke-free life.
       as a leading cause of fatal diseases,            use as a smoking cessation aid. Some

       including lung cancer, heart disease,            smokers have successfully transitioned
       chronic obstructive pulmonary disease            to vaping in an attempt to quit smoking
       (COPD),      and      a                          traditional        cigarettes.
       host of others.                                  However,  the  effective-

       Furthermore, the                                 ness of vaping  as a
       consequences                                     smoking       cessation
       extend beyond                                    tool is a matter of
       the        smoker,                               ongoing debate

       with secondhand                                       among
       smoke       exposure                                     heal th
       posing grave health                                       experts.
       risks to those in prox-


       Vaping:      A     Modern
       Alternative              with

       Uncertain Risks
       Vaping, in contrast, involves
       the  inhalation  of an aerosol
       or vapor created by heating a

       liquid, commonly referred to as
       e-liquid or vape juice. This liquid
       contains nicotine, among other
       chemicals. Unlike smoking, there is

       no combustion, and thus, no smoke
       is produced. While vaping is generally
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