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A32    LOCAL
                   Saturday 28 March 2020
            CEDE Aruba launches COVID-19 Community Guide and

            registration for volunteers

            ORANJESTAD  —  Through-      vices,  social  support  from
            out the world countries are  different    organizations,
            creating websites that give  pharmacy  service,  utility
            an  overview  of  the  com-  services,  banks  and  infor-
            munity  services  during  the  mation  about  education
            COVID-19  crisis.  Therefore  and  entertainment.  All  this
            Centro pa Desaroyo di Aru-   information has been gath-
            ba (CEDE) launched a digi-   ered  and  exposed  at  the
            tal  guide  at  their  website  website
    This  site  informs
            you about all kinds of ser-  As  soon  as  you  enter  the
            vices available online and  website,  click  ‘community
            at home.                     service  during  COVID-19’.
                                         You  will  be  directed  to  all
            At  this  moment  CEDE  has  kinds of services. The web-
            an  important  message  to  site is not complete yet, but
            share  with  the  community  will  be  updated  with  new
            which  is  to  stay  home  for  information  every  day.  For   Volunteers are needed  assisting   elderly   people  volunteers but also stresses
            your  own  health  and  the  organizations it is also pos-                             with telephone and online,  that they are needed in this
            well-being of others. At the  sible to provide information   CEDE  Aruba  is  also  look-  packing of food and more.  time  of  crises.  A  big  thank
            same  time  people  need  and tips, for example prac-     ing  for  volunteers.  On  the  CEDE  wishes  to  create  a  you goes to the companies
            access  to  the  different  tical  advice  on  finances,   website  you  are  able  to  database  with  volunteers  who  are  reaching  out  to
            services  and  information  communication,      educa-    register  for  voluntary  work.  and  connect  them  with  CEDE by offering their sup-
            channels,  among  other  tion  of  children  and  more.   There are different forms to  organizations or individuals  port in these harsh times.q
            supermarkets  that  do  de-  Organizations  do  have  a   register  for  helping  out  as  who  need  support.  CEDE   Register online at
            liveries, restaurants that do  possibility  to  upload  infor-  nurse,  delivery  of  grocer-  Aruba  takes  all  necessary  or  call  (between  1  and  5
            deliveries,  emergency  ser-  mation on the website too.   ies for quarantined people,  precautions to protect their  pm): +297 582-7666.q

              Special telephone number for the elderly

                                                                                                   like  to  support  us,  please  may also register online at
                                                                                                   contact  Club  Kibraha-     ORG.AW.q
                                                                                                   cha,  +297  582-8159.  You

              ORANJESTAD  —  Centro  this  crisis:  the  elderly.  This  and  also  ask  for  informa-
              pa  Desaroyo  di  Aruba  led  into  the  realization  of  tion.
              (CEDE) recently has gath-   a  free  telephone  number
              ered  with  the  founda-    specifically for this group.  The  free  telephone  num-
              tions  Club  Kibrahacha,                                 ber  is:  280-0505,  available
              Fundacion     Movemiento  Because of the current cri-    daily  between  8am  and
              ta  Bida,  OPPA,  Koningin  sis  the  above  mentioned  noon  and  between  4pm
              Wilhelmina  Kankerfonds,  organizations  had  to  hold  to 8pm. The message sent
              Fundacion  Diabetes,  Wit  their  activities  for  the  el-  here is: ‘you are not alone,
              Gele Kruis, Heart Centered  derly  which  causes  quite  we  are  here  and  hear
              Leadership     Foundation,  an  impact  to  this  group  you’.
              Centro  Quivit  and  Funda-  with regards to socializing.
              cion  pa  nos  Comunidad  To prevent isolation of this  The telephone line is man-
              to  discuss  the  needs  of  group a special telephone  aged  by  volunteers  from
              the most vulnerable group  number  is  introduced  for  the different organizations.
              in  the  community  during  the elderly to have a chat  In  case  people  would
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