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Thursday 23 November 2023
Emerald Fennell chronicles a promising young man in audacious,
shock-filled ‘Saltburn’
By JOCELYN NOVECK you straight back to Dick-
AP National Writer ens, nothing will). It’s 2006,
Two years ago Emerald and Oliver (Barry Keoghan,
Fennell stood on the Os- ever-watchable and un-
cars stage hoisting her writ- predictable) is a freshman
ing trophy for “Promising on scholarship, feeling out
Young Woman,” a scath- of his league. At his first tu-
ing look at rape culture torial, he announces he
and a balancing act of wit, read all 50 books on the
style, shock value, audac- summer reading list. His be-
ity, great acting and pitch- mused teacher tells him no-
black humor plus a timely body does that.
#MeToo message. Oliver soon learns that life
That’s a lot for a debut film, at Oxford isn’t about what
and we didn’t even men- you’ve read, but who you
tion the best director nomi- know. In the Hogwarts-style
nation. Not surprisingly, an- dining hall, he can barely
ticipation has been hot for find someone to sit with only
the writer-director’s next a needy mathematics ma-
effort (as an actor, she’s jor. He has no earthly con-
already graced a little film nection to the rest of the
this year called “Barbie,” privileged, entitled (and in
in the suitably dark role of some cases, titled) student
pregnant, discontinued This image released by Amazon Prime Video shows a scene from “Saltburn.” body, but aches to fit in.
Midge). Associated Press And then aristocratic gold-
Now “Saltburn” is here, and en boy Felix appears, like
the results are enticing but and some terrific perfor- she’s doing but still figuring a story of class dynamics, a Greek god. Played by
decidedly mixed perhaps mances (Rosamund Pike out the “why.” so it’s surely fitting that the Jacob Elordi, currently ap-
because Fennell seems to is especially delicious in a One thing that’s not lack- star be a piece of real es- pearing as Elvis in “Priscilla,”
be trying to one-up herself supporting role). What’s ing: beauty. Unsurprisingly, tate. (And let’s just say, the Felix is gorgeous and effort-
by leaning on the shock missing, or muddled, is the Fennell excels at lush pro- phrase “real estate porn” lessly rakish; he seems to
value, at the eventual ex- message and perhaps duction values, especially takes on an added dimen- have never encountered
pense of other storytelling even more, the heart. After in presenting the imposing, sion here.) hardship. Unless you count
elements. two hours of cringing and seductive and somewhat We start, though, at Oxford. a flat tire on his bike, which
Make no mistake, the clev- gasping in both awe and debauched Saltburn no, Here we meet our main is how Oliver meets him,
er writing is here, as is the discomfort, we’re left ad- not a person, but a country character, Oliver Quick lending his own bike so Felix
style, the sleek technique, miring the “how” of what manor! This is England, and (and if that doesn’t take can get to class.q
Review: War is good as 50th
anniversary of ‘The World Is a Ghetto’
shines in premium box set
reached its first peak. dered on the 50th anni- LP side as the group hash-
War dependably delivered versary remaster on gor- es out different percussion
a fusion of rock and Latin geous gold colored vinyl. approaches for the begin-
rhythms in the early ‘70s, The instrumentals are nicely ning, and searching for the
coming out of the age of separated for this side one right tone on vocals. The
musical psychedelia. The song on Billboard’s best- liner notes explain the song
Southern California band selling album of 1973. was the band’s nod to the
originally called Eric Burdon The stabs of keyboard work heroic Mexican caballero
and War gave us music for from founding member of comic book and televi-
the working class, with lyrics Lonnie Jordan are a main- sion fame, because he was
bemoaning political infight- stay of War’s music, and “the only non-Anglo super-
ing and frequently urging shine on tracks like “City, hero on television.”
social harmony. Country, City,” a long- War’s music maintained
The band, initially formed to winded jam session. Bonus through decades, earn-
back Burdon as he plotted tracks on separate vinyl ing the band more than 20
This image released by Far Out Productions shows “The World Is his next musical endeavor in the set include “Lee’s gold, platinum and multi-
a Ghetto” by War, the 50th Anniversary Collector’s Edition. after the Animals, took on Latin Jam” with its upbeat, platinum records.
Associated Press a life of its own and was heavy horn work. They were Santana with a
spurred into success by a The highlight is hearing the little less guitar and a few
By RON HARRIS of War’s best-selling album fan base that crossed cul- band work through the more horns, and quickly
Associated Press “The World Is a Ghetto” re- tural boundaries. making of “The Cisco Kid,” became a Southern Cali-
A remastered and well- captures that slice of time “The Cisco Kid” sounds with an entire 25 minute fornia car culture favorite.
presented five LP box set when multicultural rock clean and defined as ren- track occupying an entire Best of all, War endured.q