Page 2 - MIN ON DEC 17, 2014
P. 2
LOCALWednesday 17 December
The Radisson Aruba Resort Casino &
Spa Makes a Cool Donation
SAN NICOLAS - The Ibero gelique Croes, had the dis- his 200+ students ever-so
American High School in tinct pleasure of pressing pleasant and comfortable,
San Nicolas was the grate- the remote control buttons promoting education and
ful recipient of eight invert- to activate the air-condi- learning. Dr. R. Jay Nel-
er air conditioning units, tioners, welcoming climate son, Executive Director of
courtesy of the Radisson control into the school’s the Association of Chris-
Aruba Resort, Casino & auditorium. School director tian Teachers and Schools,
Spa. In a recent ceremony William (Andy) Centeno re- also thanked the Radis-
at the school, Director of ports the gift will surely pro- son representatives and
Human Resource Glenn mote learning, and make guests for their community
Farro and HR Manager An- the school experience for involvement.q
LOCALWednesday 17 December
The Radisson Aruba Resort Casino &
Spa Makes a Cool Donation
SAN NICOLAS - The Ibero gelique Croes, had the dis- his 200+ students ever-so
American High School in tinct pleasure of pressing pleasant and comfortable,
San Nicolas was the grate- the remote control buttons promoting education and
ful recipient of eight invert- to activate the air-condi- learning. Dr. R. Jay Nel-
er air conditioning units, tioners, welcoming climate son, Executive Director of
courtesy of the Radisson control into the school’s the Association of Chris-
Aruba Resort, Casino & auditorium. School director tian Teachers and Schools,
Spa. In a recent ceremony William (Andy) Centeno re- also thanked the Radis-
at the school, Director of ports the gift will surely pro- son representatives and
Human Resource Glenn mote learning, and make guests for their community
Farro and HR Manager An- the school experience for involvement.q