Page 26 - MIN VOS 19 DEC 2015
P. 26
AWEMainta Diasabra, 19 December 2015 31
Cuerpo di
Bombero Sint
Eustatius ta
yuda víctima di
candela Saba
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”
Psalm 91: 1, 2
It is with great sadness that we announce the
passing of our beloved:
Emily Doreen Granger-Burke
*27-12-1965 - †06-12-2015
Left to mourn are her:
Husband: Harold G. Granger
Daughters: Camesa Pencil
Tania K.V. Granger and Angelo Richardson
Grandchildren: D’Andre Donaldson, Xaundre Barrette,
Angel E. Richardson
Father: Alonzo Burke
Sisters: Netilda Burke
Barbara Brown
Dolores Burke ORANJESTAD (SABA) Departamento
Carmen Burke
di Cuerpo di Bombero Hulanda Caribense
Brothers: Erick Hall na Sint Eustatius, a tene un ‘fundrais- Señora Leverock ta ruman di nan colega
Solomon Burke ing’ di bendemento di cuminda dia 15 difunto, Carlos Leverock, kende a fayecé
Timothy Burke decèmber, den un intento pa yuda señora den fin di aña pasa. Señor Leverock ta-
Leverock, un víctima di candela. bata un habitante di Saba cu a haci Statia
All cousins, nieces and nephews, friends, neighbors and all su cas y tabata den servicio di Cuerpo di
brothers and sisters from the Emanuel and Celebration church Esaki tabata den colaboracion cu e team Bombero pa mas cu 10 aña te cu na su
di candela di Nustar. Ámbos departamen- fayecimento.
Good friends: Marcia Humith tu di bombero kier extendé nan gratitud
Anoushka Trimon inmenso n’e comunidad en general pa Cuerpo di Bombero tambe kier gradicí
Emilia nan sosten. CTC Radio y tur sobra cu a haci esaki
Carmen Peltier Señora Leverock a pèrdè su cas den un posibel. Lo anunciá y entregá e fondonan
candela den novèmber di e aña aki. recaudá na señora Leverock y su famia
Related to family: Dunlock, Levenstone, Granger, Martis, Woods, den e di dos siman di janüari di aña nobo.
Graanoogst, Wanga, Felida, Sorton, Richardson, Gario, Marray,
Bolton, Maduro
There will be a viewing held on Saturday, December 19, 2015
from 7 to 9 pm at the Aurora Funeral Home.