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A28    u.s. news
                       Diasabra 29 Mei 2021

                           California giving $116 million to people who get virus shots

            (AP) — California is giv-    The  state  will  give  $50  gift  June 15, which would mean  ority, he said.          our  lower-income,  minor-
            ing  away  the  country’s  cards  either  for  general  use  2  million  more  people  are                          ity  populations  where  we
            largest  pot  of  vaccine  or for specific grocery stores  vaccinated.                 With  Memorial  Day  com-    intend  them  to  work  if  we
            prize money — $116.5 mil-    to the next 2 million people                              ing and the state’s reopening  don’t at the same time lower
            lion — in an attempt to get  who  get  shots,  including  Money  for  the  prizes  will  about  two  weeks  later,  it’s  those barriers — whether it’s
            millions  more  inoculated  those  at  the  school  where  come  from  the  state’s  disas-  a  “good  time  to  incentivize  digital  or  transportation  or
            before the most populous  Newsom spoke.                   ter  response  account,  which  people,” Pan said.        language,”  Bibbins-Domin-
            state  fully  reopens  next                               will be reimbursed by federal                             go said. “We’re at a point in
            month.                       Newsom, a freshman Dem-      coronavirus  relief  money,  Newsom’s  office  said  the  the  pandemic  where  access
                                         ocrat  facing  a  likely  recall  said  Amelia  Matier,  a  New-  program  would  be  aimed  should not be the issue.”
            Gov.  Gavin  Newsom  on  election in the fall, defended  som spokeswoman.              at  reaching  people  in  com-
            Thursday  announced  the  the spending as smart policy                                 munities  hardest  hit  by  the  Newsom  pointed  to  a  “Get
            prizes,  which  include  $1.5  aimed at ensuring more than  When asked if the expense is  pandemic — mainly low-in-  Out  the  Vaccine”  program
            million  each  for  10  Califor-  70%  of  eligible  people  are  worth it, the governor replied  come, Black and Latino peo-  the  state  is  running  with  70
            nians, the largest single award  inoculated  before  the  state  that  the  “cost  of  not  getting  ple  —  but  it  wasn’t  clear  if  community-based  organiza-
            offered in any state.        fully reopens businesses and  vaccinated  is  exponentially,  the state is pursuing any new  tions. It features about 2,000
                                         relaxes  social  distancing  and  incalculably higher.”   initiatives  to  vaccinate  those  workers  in  vulnerable  com-
            The  goal  is  to  motivate  masking rules on June 15.                                 populations.                 munities,  encouraging  their
            roughly  12  million  people                              That California is turning to                             peers  to  make  a  plan  to  get
            who  are  eligible  but  not  yet  On that day, a drawing will be  cash prizes to encourage vac-  Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domin-  vaccinated.  Those  workers
            vaccinated, though the more  held  to  award  10  vaccinated  cinations marks a major turn-  go,  an  epidemiologist  at  the  will now share details of the
            than 20 million Californians  people the top prize. Another  around from earlier this year,  University of California, San  prize money, he said.
            already partially or fully vac-  30  people  will  win  $50,000  when residents clamored for  Francisco,  noted  cash  and
            cinated  also  are  in  the  run-  each,  with  those  drawings  shots. Some drove or waited  prize  incentives  often  don’t  California  uses  a  “vaccine
            ning  for  the  most  valuable  starting June 4.          in line for hours, and others  address  the  most  important  equity  metric”  to  track  vac-
            prizes.                                                   found  ways  to  get  into  line  challenge of reaching poorer  cination  progress  that  splits
                                         Anyone 12 and older who has  when they weren’t eligible.  communities.                 zip  codes  into  four  groups
            “We’re putting aside more re-  received at least one shot will                                                      from  least  to  most  healthy,
            sources  than  any  other  state  be eligible. The state will use  State  Sen.  Richard  Pan,  a  Surveys  have  shown  unvac-  based  on  a  number  of  fac-
            in  America,  and  we’re  mak-  its immunization database to  doctor and staunch advocate  cinated  Latinos  are  twice  as  tors. Nearly half of people in
            ing available the largest prizes  automatically  enter  people  for  vaccines,  said  it  makes  likely as whites to want a vac-  the  least  advantaged  neigh-
            of  any  state  in  America  for  into the drawings, though it’s  sense  that  demand  dropped  cine but may be unable to get  borhoods  still  haven’t  been
            those  that  seek  to  get  vacci-  still exploring how to include  off after early adopters eager  time  off  work,  live  far  from  vaccinated,  according  to  the
            nated,” Newsom announced  those vaccinated at federal fa-  to  get  the  vaccine  had  their  a  vaccination  site,  or  fear  state.
            at  an  East  Los  Angeles  high  cilities, such as veterans hos-  chance.  While  some  Cali-  they’ll be charged for a shot,
            school  where  people  were  pitals.                      fornians  will  never  get  the  she said.                By contrast, less than a quar-
            being vaccinated in the gym-                              shot, many hung back to see                               ter of people in the most ad-
            nasium.                      Newsom  said  he  hopes  to  the effect, and others simply  “These  types  of  strategies  vantaged  areas  haven’t  been
                                         give out all the gift cards by  didn’t consider the shot a pri-  don’t  work  in  sometimes  vaccinated.

                              US to expedite immigration cases of families on border

            (AP)  —  Families  arriv-    dockets  aimed  at  quickly  who arrive in families are still  ment.                   were  decided  in  the  Trump
            ing  at  the  U.S.  border  deciding  these  cases  in  the  subject to them, as is nearly                          administration’s  family  unit
            with  Mexico  will  have  immigration  courts,  which  every single adult. Last week,  The Border Patrol had more  dockets,  according  to  statis-
            their  cases  fast-tracked  are  notoriously  backlogged  the administration took steps  than  170,000  encounters  in  tics from the Justice Depart-
            in immigration court, the  and can take years to resolve  to ease the rules and agreed to  April,  its  highest  tally  since  ment’s  Executive  Office  for
            Biden administration said  cases.                         eventually allow 250 people a  March   2001,   including  Immigration  Review,  which
            Friday, less than two weeks                               day through border crossings  50,000 with people traveling  runs immigration courts.
            after  it  said  it  was  easing  The  latest  iteration,  which  to seek refuge in the United  in  families.  Many  are  repeat
            pandemic-related  restric-   the  administration  is  call-  States.                   crossers  because  getting  ex-  Aaron   Reichlin-Melnick,
            tions on seeking asylum.     ing a “dedicated docket,” lets                            pelled carries no legal conse-  policy  counsel  at  American
                                         judges  grant  continuances  But  immigrant  advocates  quences.                       Immigration  Council,  said
            Under  the  plan,  families  “for  good  cause,”  according  said creating dockets to speed                         the new plan appears to give
            stopped on the border start-  to instructions they received.  asylum  seekers  through  the  Friday’s announcement gives  judges  more  discretion  to
            ing Friday could be placed in  It  calls  the  300-day  timeline  courts  isn’t  fair  and  in  the  families at the border a high-  grant  continuances  in  fami-
            expedited proceedings aimed  “an internal goal.”          past  has  created  delays  for  er priority than other cases in  lies’ cases but he’s concerned
            at determining whether they                               other  migrants  already  wait-  an immigration court system  because  many  asylum  seek-
            can  remain  in  the  United  The  announcement  comes  ing years for their cases to be  with about 1.3 million pend-  ers  placed  in  these  special
            States.  Immigration  judges  as President Joe Biden is un-  heard.                    ing  cases.  Attorney  General  dockets  during  the  last  two
            would generally decide these  der mounting pressure to lift                            Merrick  Garland  said  the  administrations  wound  up
            cases  within  300  days  of  an  pandemic-related restrictions  Eleanor Acer, senior director  effort aligns with his goal of  representing  themselves  in
            initial hearing in 10 cities in-  on seeking asylum at the bor-  for refugee protection at Hu-  immigration  courts  deciding  court.
            cluding New York, Los Ange-  der  that  were  put  in  place  man  Rights  First,  urged  the  cases “promptly and fairly.”
            les  and  border  communities  by  the  Trump  administra-  Biden  administration  to  roll                         “We are very skeptical about
            such  as  El  Paso,  Texas,  and  tion  in  March  2020.  Under  back  Trump  administration  The  National  Association  yet another attempt to create
            San Diego, the Departments  the rules, citizens of Mexico,  measures  that  make  it  dif-  of  Immigration  Judges  is  a ‘rocket docket’ and contin-
            of Justice and Homeland Se-  Guatemala,  Honduras  and  ficult  for  Central  American  studying  the  proposal,  said  ued to believe rushed justice
            curity said in a statement.  El  Salvador  are  typically  ex-  migrants  fleeing  violence  to  Dana Marks, an immigration  is no justice at all,” he said.
                                         pelled to Mexico within two  qualify for humanitarian pro-  judge and the group’s execu-
            It  isn’t  the  first  time  U.S.  hours  without  any  opportu-  tection in the United States.  tive  vice  president.  She  said  In addition to New York, Los
            officials  have  sought  to  ex-  nity to seek asylum or other  “U.S.  asylum  proceedings  the group was not consulted  Angeles,  San  Diego  and  El
            pedite   the   immigration  humanitarian protections.     cannot  be  considered  fair  about the plan.             Paso, the docket is being in-
            cases  of  families  arriving  on                         when  the  Biden  administra-                             troduced in Denver; Detroit;
            the  southwest  border.  The  Biden  exempted  unaccom-   tion  continues  to  blatantly  Immigrants  were  issued  de-  Miami, Newark, New Jersey;
            Trump  and  Obama  admin-    panied  children  but  about  violate U.S. refugee laws and  portation orders in more than  San Francisco; and Seattle.
            istrations  previously  created  one  of  every  three  people  treaties,”  she  said  in  a  state-  90  percent  of  the  cases  that
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