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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 5 November 2019

            Investigation: Lead in some Canadian water worse than Flint

            By MARTHA MENDOZA                                                                      more than 700 Freedom of  than  90  people.  The  Flint
            Associated Press                                                                       Information  requests  and  crisis sparked congressional
            MONTREAL  (AP)  —  Hun-                                                                took  hundreds  of  samples  hearings, lawsuits and scru-
            dreds  of  thousands  of  Ca-                                                          in  people's  homes  to  as-  tiny  of  lead  testing  across
            nadians  have  been  unwit-                                                            semble  79,000  water  test  the  country.    Now  officials
            tingly exposed to high lev-                                                            results. But the findings are  in  Newark,  New  Jersey,
            els of lead in their drinking                                                          neither    comprehensive  are  scrambling  to  replace
            water,  with  contamination                                                            nor  an  indication  of  over-  about 18,000 lead lines and
            in several cities consistently                                                         all drinking water quality in  other communities are also
            higher than they ever were                                                             Canada. That doesn't exist.  responding.
            in  Flint,  Michigan,  accord-                                                         "Because  there  is  no  fed-  Virginia   Tech   professor
            ing to an investigation that                                                           eral  oversight,  everybody  Marc Edwards, whose study
            tested  drinking  water  in   In this July 21, 2019 photo, Florabela Cunha fills a glass of water   does  what  they  want,"  of  the  Flint  water  system
            hundreds  of  homes  and     from  her  kitchen  faucet  in  Prince  Rupert,  British  Columbia,   said  engineering  professor  helped reveal the danger-
            reviewed  thousands  more    Canada.                                                   Michèle  Prévost,  who  quit  ous  lead  levels,  reviewed
            previously  undisclosed  re-                                          Associated Press  working  on  a  government  the Canadian media con-
            sults.                       guideline of 5 parts per bil-  28 ppb, Keddie said he was  study  of  school  drinking  sortium's findings.
            Residents in some homes in  lion; 18% exceeded the U.S.  "concerned  enough  that  water in frustration over the  "This  is  a  significant  health
            Montreal,  a  cosmopolitan  limit of 15 ppb.              we  won't  be  drinking  and  lack  of  lead  testing.  "Most  concern, people should be
            city  an  hour  north  of  the  In  a  country  that  touts  its  using this water."   provinces  ignore  this  very  warned," said Edwards.
            U.S.-Canada  border,  and  clean,  natural  turquoise  Leona Peterson learned of  serious problem."                 In Canada, where provinc-
            Regina,  in  the  flat  western  lakes, sparkling springs and  the  contamination  in  her  The   government's   ap-  es  —  not  the  federal  gov-
            prairies,  are  among  those  rushing  rivers,  there  are  no  water after journalists found  proach  to  limiting  lead  in  ernment — set water safety
            drinking  and  cooking  with  national  mandates  to  test  excessively high lead levels  drinking  water  in  Canada  rules,  the  main  source  of
            tap  water  with  lead  levels  drinking water for lead. And  in 21 of 25 homes tested in  is  starkly  different  from  the  lead in drinking water is an-
            that exceed Canada's fed-    even if agencies do take a  her  small,  northwest  port  U.S.,  where  under  federal  tiquated pipes. At one gov-
            eral  guidelines.  The  investi-  sample, residents are rarely  town  of  Prince  Rupert.  Pe-  law  every  person  is  sup-  ernment hearing, an expert
            gation found some schools  informed of contamination.     terson,  who  lives  in  sub-  posed  to  receive  an  an-  estimated  some  500,000
            and  daycares  had  lead  "I'm  surprised,"  said  Bruce  sidized  housing  for  Indig-  nual report from their water  lead  service  lines  are  still
            levels so high that research-  Lanphear, a leading Cana-  enous  people,  had  water  provider detailing lead test  delivering water to people
            ers  noted  it  could  impact  dian water safety research-  that registered at 15.6 ppb.  results.                  in  the  country.  Many  cit-
            children's  health.  Exacer-  er.  "These  are  quite  high  "I was drinking from the tap,  "If that's not public, that's a  ies  are  starting  to  replace
            bating  the  problem,  many  given the kind of attention  directly from the tap, with-  problem," said Tom Neltner  them.
            water providers aren't test-  that has been given to Flint,  out  any  knowledge  that  at  the  Environmental  De-  Several short-term solutions
            ing at all.                  Michigan,  as  having  such  there  was  lead  in  the  wa-  fense  Fund,  a  U.S.-based  include  having  suppliers
            It wasn't the Canadian gov-  extreme problems."           ter," said Peterson. Her son  environmental      group.  add  anti-corrosives  or  al-
            ernment  that  exposed  the  Many     Canadians    who  was as well.                   "Where you have transpar-    tering  water  chemistry  so
            scope of this public health  had  allowed  journalists  to  Canadian  officials  where  ency you have advocacy,  it's  less  likely  to  leach  lead
            concern.                     sample  their  water  were  levels  were  high  said  they  and where you have advo-   from the insides of pipes.
            A  yearlong  investigation  troubled  when  they  came  were aware that lead pipes  cacy you have action."          Even low levels of lead ex-
            by  more  than  120  journal-  back  with  potentially  dan-  can  contaminate  drinking  In  the  U.S.  however,  even  posure can affect a child's
            ists  from  nine  universities  gerous lead levels.       water  and  that  they  were  public water quality reports  IQ  and  their  ability  to  pay
            and  10  media  organiza-    "It's  a  little  bit  disturbing  to  working  to  replace  aging  weren't enough to prevent  attention.  Children  who
            tions,  including  The  Associ-  see that there's that much,"  infrastructure.         the Flint, Michigan, drinking  are  younger  than  7  and
            ated Press and the Institute  said  Andrew  Keddie,  a  Montreal      Mayor    Valé-   water crisis, brought on by  pregnant women are most
            for Investigative Journalism  retired  professor  who  as-  rie  Plante  vowed  to  test  a 2014 decision to tempo-  at risk from lead exposure,
            at  Concordia  University  in  sumed his water was clean  100,000 homes for lead and  rarily pull water from a river  which can damage brains
            Montreal,  collected  test  after replacing pipes years  speed  up  replacement  of  as  a  cost  saver.  But  Flint's  and kidneys.
            results  that  properly  mea-  ago at his home in Edmon-  lead-lined  pipes  immedi-   water  problems  went  well  Yet  the  consortium's  inves-
            sure exposure to lead in 11  ton.  What  he  couldn't  do  ately  after  journalists  sent  beyond  lead:  excessive  tigation  found  Canada's
            cities  across  Canada.  Out  is  replace  public  service  her an analysis of the city's  microbes  led  to  a  Legion-  daycares  and  schools  are
            of  12,000  tests  since  2014,  lines delivering water to his  internal data revealing high  naires'  disease  outbreak  not  tested  regularly.  And
            one-third  —  33%  —  ex-    house.  After  learning  his  lead levels across the city.  that  caused  at  least  12  when they are tested, those
            ceeded the national safety  water lead levels tested at  The media consortium filed  deaths and sickened more  results are also not public.q
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