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locAl           Wednesday 20 June 2018

            ‘Football for Friendship’

            Arrival of our Young


            ORANJESTAD  ―  Saturday,
            during the welcoming cer-
            emony  in  the  VIP-room  at
            the  Reina  Beatrix  Airport
            with the presence of it’s Ex-
            cellence,  Education  Min-
            ister,  Science  and  Sustain-
            able Development Dr. Rudy
            Lampe, Mrs. Paula Engelen
            and the rest of the Aruban
            Football  Bond  (AVB),  Mr.
            Stanley  Dabian  of  the  de-
            partment  of  Culture  Aruba
            and family of the teens, re-
            ceived our Aruban Delega-
            tion,  our  Young  Ambassa-  had  the  opportunity  to
            dors,  Sheqayli  Ascencion   show off with our flag dur-                                                    TOLL FREE 1 866 978 61 92
            and Jahmani Eisden which     ing  the  Opening  Ceremo-
            stood out with their partici-  ny of Fifa World Cup 2018.                                                        + 297 699 29 79
            pation  at  the  Football  for   Our  Young  Ambassador                                              FOLLOW US ON:        @arubaslife
            Friendship Children’s Social   Sheqayli  Ascencion  stood
            Program in Moscow-Russia.    out  enormously  with  her                                     |
                                         talent  as  Young  Journalist
            Our  Young  Ambassador       presenting  various  video                                                             Ras  and  Coach,  Mr.  Ed-
                                                                                                                                gar  ‘Gachi’  Erasmus.  They
            Jahmani Eisden knew how      productions,    interviews,                                                            gave  all  the  support  from
            to demonstrate his talent as   and  was  chosen  together                                                           their side to guide and take
            a  football  player,  Captain   with  3  other  countries  out                                                      care  of  Sheqayli  and  Jah-
            and at the same time lead-   of  211,  to  present  a  Eco                                                          mani.  Mrs.  Monique  and
            ing  his  own  team.  He  got   Initiative project, and here                                                        Mr.  Edgar  served  during
            the  chance  to  score  two   Sheqayli  stood  out  enor-                                                           the flight to Moscow-Russia,
            goals  and  also  Jahmani    mously with her message of                                                             as  representing  parents  to

                                                                                                                                these teens. Together they
                                                                                                                                shared a beautiful and un-
                                                                                                                                forgettable   experience.
                                                                                                                                AVB  granted  a  medal  to
                                                                                                                                our  Young  Ambassadors,
                                                                                                                                Sheqayli and Jahmani. Also
                                                                                                                                a  beautiful  placard  was
                                                                                                                                granted  to  Sheqayli  As-
                                                                                                                                cencion in appreciation for
                                                                                                                                her commitment and huge
                                                                      caring for our environment,  Sheqayli  Ascencion  man-    achievement.  A  big  thank
                                                                      our sea creatures, shared a  age to win the big prize of  you to all who contributed
                                                                      little  about  our  turtles  and  ‘2018 F4F Young Journalist’.   in making this achievement
                                                                      avoiding  plastic  bags  on                               come  true.  The  road  to
                                                                      our  beaches  and  our  en-  During  their  participation  happiness is a highway with
                                                                      vironment.  This  video  pro-  in  the  Football  for  Friend-  lots  of  work  included,  that
                                                                      duction  is  extremely  nice.  ship   Children’s   Social  finishes with the production
                                                                      Aruba shone bright on the  Program,     Shaqayli   and  that  you  see.  A  big  con-
                                                                      big screens at the ‘Interna-  Jahmani  were  under  the  gratulation  to  the  parents
                                                                      tional  Children’s  Forum’  of  guidance  of  the  ‘Head  of  and to the whole island of
                                                                      the  F4F  in  Moscow-Russia.  Delegation’,  Mrs.  Monique  Aruba.q
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