Page 93 - VOS MAY 25,2015
P. 93

                                                                                                                                                                        Saturday 23 May 2015

A High-Flying Success:

    Kiwanis Club of Aruba’s Annual Kite Competition for All Kids!

ORANJESTAD - Kiwanis Club                                     ferent bicycles and gift cer-  Gregory Gomez, Greg
of Aruba had their annual                                     tificates which were hand-     Flanegin, Thais Tromp, Clar-
event, which was the “Kite                                    ed out by Kiwanis Club of      ilaine Corness and Laga-
Competition” for all the kids                                 Aruba and different partici-   bena Flyer.
of Aruba. The event started                                   pating sponsors who col-       The event was entertained
with a workshop of how to                                     laborates every year with      with great music and Dino
create a kite. This year the                                  this event.                    Jump for the kids.
kids of Emma School had                                       The winners in Category        The President of Kiwanis
the opportunity to partici-                                   A – Kite of 45x75cm were;      Club of Aruba, Mrs. Marjory
pate with this workshop.                                      Janrich Bello, Zyron Croes,    Clark, thanked all organi-
Right after the workshop                                      Janilaine Bello, Michelan-     zations and sponsors who
the kids of Emma School,                                      gelo Tromp, Lagabena           collaborated through their
could also participate and                                    Flyer, Lijendrick Webb and     donations have contrib-
be part of the event with                                     Alex Arends. In Category B     uted in making this event a
their Kite’s donated by the                                   – Kite of 76x150cm the win-    memorable one for the kids
Kiwanis Club of Aruba.                                        ners were; Jahron Tromp,       and their entire family.q
In the early afternoon the
competition started for all    the sky surely contributed
the Kids from Aruba to par-    to making the competi-
ticipate. The beautiful sky    tion and the event a very
at the Field of Calabas was    unique one. Due to the
adorned by the creativity      great amount of partici-
and originality of the dif-    pating Kite’s the competi-
ferent Kite’s in all sorts of  tion was still going on into
shapes, colors and sizes.      the late hours of the after-
To experience the creativ-     noon while the sun was set-
ity of each participant        ting. Nevertheless, with lots
and how together with the      of energy the participants
spectators they watched        kept on competing to win
with lots of enthusiasm how    one of many great prizes
the Kite they created with     as it is known to have every
much dedication rise up in     year for the winners.
                               The prizes consisted of dif-
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98