Page 20 - MIN ON JULY 17
P. 20
To many of our young ones study work
and live below their true capacity
According to Rene Herde
THE percentage of kids that finish HAVO/VWO is way below the international an extra training program to help kids in need of that. The summer school pro-
gram will not be held this year since the school couldn’t organize it. The positive
level of countries with a democratic education system. effect of the summer school program combined with the extra attention given by
“To many of our young ones study work and live below their true capacity be- teachers resulted in 72% of the students that entered HAVO from MAVO finish-
cause our education system is not giving them that opportunity, it is selective and ing their school year successfully. Before introducing the summer school only
discriminating.” this is the opinion of Mr. Rene Herde. 50% of students finished their first year of HAVO successfully. More guidance
His profession is educator and planner of changes that need to be made to our and support from the school helps the improvement and
education system. He has been convinced for years already that our educa- effectiveness of our education system. It gives every
tion system could and should be improved. kid an opportunity to do better in school, in their
Rene Herde: “Our education system lets the students learn, under- professional studies and to have a better life
stand and master new subjects that are important to their career quality in the future, which is the goal of
by themselves. It is very unyielding in the teaching and explain- education.
ing area. If a student cannot master a subject by himself it is
his fault, not the schools’. Even though the school isn’t doing
enough to ensure that students are mastering the subjects.”
“Our education system does nos give enough guidance or
support to the students. The quantity and quality of guid-
ance and support is a very important factor that could help
students improve their participation in education. Instead
of hiring more assistants or teachers, schools need to change
their teaching system by improving their explanation method
and offering more assistance to those in need of it. Changes
such as these will improve our education system.” according
to Rene Herde.
According to Rene Herde more changes need to be made to our
education system so students can reach their true potential.
The change that needs to be implemented is how they organize the
classes and how they stimulate students instead of selecting a
few and leaving them to fend for themselves. This limits
their development and hinders their education, profes-
sional career and their opportunity to achieve great
things in the future.
The selectivity of our education system is one of
the biggest injustices that we need to eliminate.
Minister of education wants to finance
Important to all Aruba Airport users: AS per instruction of the Directorate of Civil sols and Gels, all inorganic powder and granular
materials of 12 ounces or more will be prohibited
Revision of Aviation, Aruba Airport Authority N.V. will for travel.
inadmissible items implement a revision of list of items not permit- It will be allowed to travel with inorganic powder
list for travel ted for travel. and granular materials of 12 ounces or more
inside the checked luggage.
4 LOCAL This revision will go into effect on the 17th of
July 2015. A detailed list of Inadmissible items can be found
on the .
Besides the current limitation for Liquids, Aero-
Friday, July 17 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER