Page 4 - MIN.MTTC DEC 24,2014
P. 4
Wednesday 24 December
Aruba’s Millionth Visitor treated
to fajita lunch at MooMba Beach
PALM BEACH - They did on holiday together and and the romantic days
not know what hap- their first time on Aruba, that are whizzing past;
pened: Nina and Vic from they chose their destina- they love to relax on the
New York and Michigan tion well. Last Wednesday fantastic beaches, were
were the one millionth vis- they flew in and they re- crazy about the flamingos
itors to the island and fes- ceived an invitation to on Renaissance Island
tivities burst out as soon as come to lunch at fabu- and they think that Aruba
they landed. It was one lous MooMba Beach, is really and truly `One
big party and they were where they had the fa- Happy Island’. Congratu-
the shining center of it jitas - they loved them! lations and we hope to
all. As this is the first time Nina and Vic are bowled see you two back many
that Nina and Vic are over by all the attention more times.q
Feast for Maris Stella courtesy
of the AWD Restaurant Week
PALM BEACH - `Yum yum’ ba Wine and Dine (AWD)
said the 115 clients at group and it followed in the
home of the elderly Maris wake of the second Res-
Stella last week when they taurant Week, held from
were treated to chicken August 27 to September
soup and pea soup with 3rd. During the Restaurant
bread and butter. The soup Week guests could enjoy a
was a donation of the Aru- three-course dinner at one
of the AWD restaurants,
MooMba Beach, Had-
icurari, Tango Argentine
Grill, Salt & Pepper, Fishes
& More and Cafe the Pla-
za. Once again it was a
great success. Part of the
proceeds went to a good
cause and Maris Stella was
the happy recipient of the
two delicious soup choices.
In the picture AWD’s Mau-
rice Blok in the company
of Maris Stella director Mrs.
Granger and Calixta.q
Wednesday 24 December
Aruba’s Millionth Visitor treated
to fajita lunch at MooMba Beach
PALM BEACH - They did on holiday together and and the romantic days
not know what hap- their first time on Aruba, that are whizzing past;
pened: Nina and Vic from they chose their destina- they love to relax on the
New York and Michigan tion well. Last Wednesday fantastic beaches, were
were the one millionth vis- they flew in and they re- crazy about the flamingos
itors to the island and fes- ceived an invitation to on Renaissance Island
tivities burst out as soon as come to lunch at fabu- and they think that Aruba
they landed. It was one lous MooMba Beach, is really and truly `One
big party and they were where they had the fa- Happy Island’. Congratu-
the shining center of it jitas - they loved them! lations and we hope to
all. As this is the first time Nina and Vic are bowled see you two back many
that Nina and Vic are over by all the attention more times.q
Feast for Maris Stella courtesy
of the AWD Restaurant Week
PALM BEACH - `Yum yum’ ba Wine and Dine (AWD)
said the 115 clients at group and it followed in the
home of the elderly Maris wake of the second Res-
Stella last week when they taurant Week, held from
were treated to chicken August 27 to September
soup and pea soup with 3rd. During the Restaurant
bread and butter. The soup Week guests could enjoy a
was a donation of the Aru- three-course dinner at one
of the AWD restaurants,
MooMba Beach, Had-
icurari, Tango Argentine
Grill, Salt & Pepper, Fishes
& More and Cafe the Pla-
za. Once again it was a
great success. Part of the
proceeds went to a good
cause and Maris Stella was
the happy recipient of the
two delicious soup choices.
In the picture AWD’s Mau-
rice Blok in the company
of Maris Stella director Mrs.
Granger and Calixta.q