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A30    world news
                  Diamars 12 OctOber 2021

                        Taliban says US will provide humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

                                                                                    committed to seeing that Afghan soil  also produces the foundation’s Long
                                                                                    is not used by extremists to launch at-  War Journal. “The Taliban has to con-
                                                                                    tacks against other countries.      duct the difficult and time-consum-
                                                                                    On  Saturday,  however,  the  Taliban  ing task of rooting out ISKP cells and
                                                                                    ruled out cooperation with Washing-  its limited infrastructure. It has all the
                                                                                    ton  on  containing  the  increasingly  knowledge  and  tools  it  needs  to  do
                                                                                    active Islamic State group in Afghani-  it.”
                                                                                                                        The IS affiliate doesn’t have the ad-
                                                                                    IS,  an  enemy  of  the  Taliban,  has  vantage of safe havens in Pakistan and
                                                                                    claimed  responsibility  for  a  number  Iran that the Taliban had in its fight
                                                                                    of  recent  attacks,  including  Friday’s  against  the  United  States,  Roggio
                                                                                    suicide  bombing  that  killed  46  mi-  said.  However,  he  warned  that  the
                                                                                    nority  Shiite  Muslims.  Washing-  Taliban’s  longtime  support  for  al-
                                                                                    ton considers IS its greatest terrorist  Qaida make them unreliable as coun-
                                                                                    threat emanating from Afghanistan.  terterrorism partners with the United
                                                                                    “We  are  able  to  tackle  Daesh  inde-
                                                                                    pendently,” Shaheen said when asked  The Taliban gave refuge to al-Qaida
            (AP)  —  The  U.S.  has  agreed  to  The  Taliban  said  the  talks  held  in  whether the Taliban would work with  before it carried out the 9/11 attacks.
            provide  humanitarian  aid  to  a  Doha, Qatar, “went well,” with Wash-  the U.S. to contain the Islamic State  That prompted the 2001 U.S. inva-
            desperately poor Afghanistan on  ington freeing up humanitarian aid to  affiliate. He used an Arabic acronym  sion  of  Afghanistan  that  drove  the
            the brink of an economic disaster,  Afghanistan after agreeing not to link  for IS.                         Taliban from power.
            while  refusing  to  give  political  such assistance to formal recognition
            recognition to the country’s new  of the Taliban.                       Bill  Roggio,  a  senior  fellow  at  the  “It is insane for the U.S. to think the
            Taliban  rulers,  the  Taliban  said                                    Foundation  for  Defense  of  Democ-  Taliban can be a reliable counterter-
            Sunday.                             The United States made it clear that  racies  who  tracks  militant  groups,  rorism  partner,  given  the  Taliban’s
                                                the talks were in no way a preamble  agreed the Taliban do not need Wash-  enduring support for al-Qaida,” Rog-
            The statement came at the end of the  to  recognition  of  the  Taliban,  who  ington’s help to hunt down and de-  gio said.
            first direct talks between the former  swept  into  power  Aug.  15  after  the  stroy Afghanistan’s IS affiliate, known
            foes since the chaotic withdrawal of  U.S.-allied government collapsed.  as the Islamic State in Khorasan Prov-  During  the  meeting,  U.S.  officials
            U.S. troops at the end of August.                                       ince, or ISKP.                      were expected to press the Taliban to
                                                Taliban  political  spokesman  Suhail                                   allow Americans and others to leave
            There  was  no  immediate  comment  Shaheen  also  told  The  Associated  The Taliban “fought 20 years to eject  Afghanistan.  In  their  statement,  the
            from the U.S. on the weekend meet-  Press  that  the  movement’s  interim  the U.S., and the last thing it needs is  Taliban said without elaborating that
            ing.                                foreign  minister  assured  the  U.S.  the return of the U.S. It also doesn’t  they  would  “facilitate  principled
                                                during the talks that the Taliban are  need  U.S.  help,”  said  Roggio,  who  movement of foreign nationals.”

                             North Korean leader calls for improved living conditions

            (AP)  —  North  Korea  said  Mon-   succeeding and issued new develop-  Kim  has  so  far  rejected  the  Biden  lations if Seoul abandons its “double-
            day  leader  Kim  Jong  Un  urged  ment plans for the next five years.  administration’s offers to restart dia-  dealing  attitude”  and  “hostile  view-
            officials  to  overcome  a  “grim                                       logue  without  preconditions,  saying  point.”
            situation” facing the country and  The agency said Kim confirmed the  that  Washington  must  first  abandon
            make stronger efforts to improve  determination  of  the  party  to  effi-  its “hostile policy,” a term the North  Analysts say North Korea is using the
            the food and living conditions of  ciently  carry  out  the  five-year  plan  mainly uses to refer to sanctions and  South’s  desire  for  inter-Korean  en-
            his people.                         to boost “the national economy and  U.S.-South Korea military exercises.  gagement to drive a wedge between
                                                solving  the  people’s  food,  clothing                                 Washington  and  Seoul  and  to  pres-
            But  state  media  didn’t  mention  any  and housing problems.”         But the North in recent weeks have  sure the South to extract concessions
            specific comments toward Washing-                                       also  restored  communication  lines  from the Biden administration on its
            ton  and  Seoul  while  reporting  on  The  KCNA  said  Kim  analyzed  the  with the South and said it could take  behalf.
            Kim’s speech marking the 76th anni-  “unprecedented  difficulties”  facing  further steps to improve bilateral re-
            versary of the ruling Workers’ Party’s  the North and called for the party’s
            founding.                           single-minded  unity  in  developing
                                                the state economy in face of the “grim
            Nuclear negotiations between Wash-  situation.”
            ington  and  Pyongyang  have  stalled
            for  more  than  two  years  over  dis-  Analysts say Kim is facing perhaps the
            agreements  in  exchanging  the  re-  toughest moment of his near decade
            lease of crippling U.S.-led sanctions  in power. He failed to win badly need-
            against North Korea and the North’s  ed  sanctions  relief  in  his  summitry
            denuclearization steps.             with  then-President  Donald  Trump
                                                in 2018 and 2019, then the coronavi-
            The country has ramped up its mis-  rus pandemic caused North Korea to
            sile  testing  activity  in  recent  weeks  close its borders and unleashed fur-
            while  making  conditional  peace  of-  ther economic shock after decades of
            fers  to  Seoul,  reviving  a  pattern  of  mismanagement  and  sanctions  over
            pressuring South Korea to get what it  Kim’s nuclear weapons program.
            wants from the United States.
                                                The World Health Organization said
            Pyongyang’s  official  Korean  Central  last  week  some  of  its  COVID-19
            News  Agency  said  Kim  during  his  medical  supplies  had  arrived  at  a
            speech  on  Sunday  said  his  party  is  North Korea port, an indication the
            determined to achieve the economic  North was easing one of the world’s
            goals set during the party’s congress  strictest pandemic border closures to
            in  January,  when  he  acknowledged  receive outside help.
            his previous economic plans weren’t
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