Page 37 - MIN VOS 10 NOV 2015
P. 37
LOCALTuesday 10 November 2015
Continued from page 13
Special thank you cards Maristella to enjoy a pleas- to continue working with
were also handed out to ant morning interacting, them for many years to
guests upon check-in and playing bingo and dancing come.
fun photo sessions were with the elderly while they A special thank you also to
held in the lobby to thank enjoyed their favorite treats Allstarz Tour & Services for
the guests for their loyalty such as pan dushi, pan bol- their support with the Spirit
to the Marriott brand. lo, drigidrek and fruit punch to Serve initiative and to
As part of every Global Cus- prepared by the Aruba Huize Maristella for open-
tomer Appreciation Week, Marriott Culinary Team. ing their doors and giving
the Sales & Marketing, Res- The Aruba Marriott Resort the Aruba Marriott the op-
ervations and Events team would like to thank all its portunity to spend an en-
also gave back to the customers for their continu- joyable morning with their
community by visiting Huize ous trust and looks forward seniors.q