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Friday 13 September 2024
The Casino Aruba at Hilton to Host The Caribbean Poker Series
2024: A Premier Poker Event in Paradise
ARUBA– The Casino Aruba
at Hilton is delighted to an-
nounce that it will be the of-
ficial host of The Caribbean
Poker Series, taking place
from September 26 to Oc-
tober 6, 2024. This highly
anticipated event will bring
together poker enthusiasts
from across the globe for 11
days of thrilling competition,
highlighted by 16 Rings tour-
The Caribbean Poker Series
offers an extraordinary blend several hotels and resorts in
of high-stakes poker, enter- the Palm Beach area to offer
tainment, and the chance to exclusive room rates for play-
unwind in one of the world’s ers. Guests can look forward
most beautiful destinations. to luxurious accommoda-
Against the breathtaking tions, all within easy reach
backdrop of Aruba’s sun- of the gaming action.
kissed beaches and vibrant
culture, players will experi- For more information on the
ence an unparalleled poker event schedule, registration,
tournament. Whether you’re or to inquire about players'
a seasoned pro or new to room rates, please contact
the game, this event offers our dedicated travel special-
something for everyone, ist, Bridget Stein. Bridget is
with opportunities to win available via email at bridg-
prestigious prizes and make or by
unforgettable memories. phone at +1 (561) 716-7074.
To further enhance the ex- Join us at The Caribbean itive poker, relaxation, and be part of this one-of-a-kind Stay updated by visiting
perience, The Casino Aruba Poker Series 2024 for an ex- the unique charm of Aruba. event. www.caribbeanpokerser-
at Hilton has teamed up with traordinary blend of compet- Don’t miss your chance to
Aruba to me
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