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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 1 February 2025

            Alto Vista chapel and its link to Aruba’s origins

            According  to  Etnia  Nativa,  According to the book, The  in procession to Alto Vista.
            in the 18th century most of  History of Alto Vista by R.H.
            the inhabitants of Aruba were  Nooyen, it is not known when  Two-hundred years after the
            indigenous who lived on the  Domingo  Antonio  Silvester  beautiful time of Alto Vista,
            north coast, one of the larg-  came to Aruba from Venezu-  people can no longer see
            est communities lived in Alto  ela. The elders believe Anto-  much  of  the  town  of  Alto
            Vista.                       nio was a Spaniard. In 1780,  Vista  from  1750.  With  a  lot
                                         father Joseph Antonio de la  of work they found the old
            As they were very religious,  Vegal called Bernardino Sil-  foundations  of  the  Church
            they  had  a  chief  with  the  vester,  one of Antonio’s sons  of the Queen of the Holiest
            name  of  Antonio  Silvester  with his wife Anna Cathalina  Rosary to build a new cha-
            who  guided  them  in  the  Tromp, “neighbors and natu-   pel on the same place. The
            Christian life and it was he  rals of the island Aruba” and  entire surrounding area was
            who  decided  to  build  a  thus they became natives.     empty and desolated, mak-
            stone  chapel  with  a  roof                              ing it hard to imagine that
            of  corn  rods,  which  would  At the end of the eighteen  Alto Vista was a town at all.  Miguel  Alvares,  according  from basically any point in
            serve as a place of prayer.  century many inhabitants the  A hundred years later, peo-  to Nooyen. About 50 meters  the  north  side,  even  from
            In 1750 it was blessed by Fa-  island died as a result of the  ple can see the remains of  near the chapel  there are  Paradera and Sero Plat. All
            ther  Algamesi  who  came  black  fever  epidemic  and  around twenty houses, some  still  the  markings  of  an  old  the historical remains around
            from  Coro-Venezuela  and  since people believed that  made of stone and others of  house, where Antonio and  the chapel provide us with
            appointed  Domingo  Anto-    the Alto Vista area was the  clay. Nowadays, only around  Bernardino  Silvester  would  an idea on how the old peo-
            nio  Silvester  as  the  island’s  most infected, they began  six of these houses remain.   have lived. About 200 me-  ple of Alto Vista used to live.
            first prosecutor in the name  to build their homes further                             ters from the chapel there  Don’t miss the opportunity to
            of  the  Spanish  crown  and  south within the Noord area,  South of the chapel in the  is a water tank which the lo-  visit a place of historical sig-
            Rome. In 1752 the prosecu-   so the town of Noord began  yard two graves can be ob-    cals  call  Tanki  Cacique.  In  nificance with a window to
            tion passed into the hands of  to  grow  into  a  community  served, there was the cem-  the past this tank was closed.  Aruba’s past.
            Antonio Silvester’s son-in-law,  till  getting  its  own  Church.  etery which father Pablo de  But mostly water was brought
            Miguel Álvarez, who contin-  However  religious  festivals  Algemesi  blessed.  It  is  not  out from the Poz di Noord, a  Important note: Due to roof
            ued to guide the parishioners  continued to be celebrated  certain,  but  it  is  believed  well dug in the sand.   renovations, the inside of the
            in their prayers.            at this sacred native place,  that the two graves belong                               Chapel will be closed for the
                                         with the custom of arriving  to  Antonio  Silvester  and  The chapel can be viewed  next few days. q

            Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our Candelchi!

            (Oranjestad)—If you’re ever planning  Do you know your fish? The Depart-                                    times caught and seen occasionally.
            on snorkeling during your vacation  ment of Department of Agriculture,  Under candelchi, we in Aruba gener-  They can be distinguished by differ-
            on Aruba, you may spot fish that you  Livestock,  and  Fisheries,  known  as  ally refer to all the different species  ent marks such as color on the dorsal
            can’t recognize. One of these may  Santa Rosa, offers this  informative  of squirrelfish. They all look alike and  spine or marks on the body.
            be the “Candelchi” (Squirrelfish), a  article that illustrate some fish and  it's really difficult to distinguish be-
            common, yet shy fish that swims all  their names in Papiamento.         tween them.                         In Aruba:
            year long in the waters of Aruba.                                                                           Candelchi are found on reefs or ar-
                                                 Candelchi, Squirrelfish, Holocen-  The squirrelfish family is distinguished  eas with structure in the water where
            Let's talk about the names of fish.          trus adscensionis:         by the following characteristics. They  they can hide. Although they prefer
                                                Candelchi actually refers to the en-  are heart-shaped with pink or red  to hunt for food at night, they are
                                                tire squirrelfish family or, as some say,  hues and often show heart-shaped  also active during the day. They are
                                                when we say candelchi, we mean  streaks  between  the  scales  along  edible and delicious when prepared
                                                several  different  species  but  with-  the body. They have hard fins and  dry and crispy with lime. It is particu-
                                                out distinguishing them by species.  are always armed. Over at our sister  larly  challenging  to  scale  the  fish,
                                                In this picture, we are showing the  island Curaçao, they are called "bari  which is why it is not one of the fa-
                                                most  common  one  in  our  waters,  di clabo" (nail barrel) for that reason.  vorites among fishermen. They often
                                                which is called squirrelfish in English                                 live in groups. q
                                                or scientifically known as Holocentrus  In our waters, there are 7 to 8 types or
                                                adscensionis.                       species present and they are some-
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