Page 76 - MIN ECEM
P. 76
Wednesday 16 august 2017
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently over 25 years.
the Aruba Tourism Author- Ramon and Helen are loy-
ity had the great pleasure al members of the Costa
of honoring a very nice Linda Beach Resort and
couple who are loyal and they love Aruba very much
friendly visitors of Aruba because of the friendly
at the Costa Linda Beach people, the climate, the
Resort as Ambassadors of beaches and the restau-
Goodwill. rants.
They say Aruba feels like a
The symbolic honorary title second home, the people
is presented in the name are like a family to them
of the Minister of Tourism as and Costa Linda is their
a token of appreciation to home away from home.
guests who visit Aruba for The certificates were pre-
20-to-34 consecutive years. sented by Mr. Jonathan
The honorees were Mr. Boekhoudt representing
Ramon and Mrs. Helen the Aruba Tourism Author-
Muchacho from Maracai- ity together with associ-
bo, Venezuela, who have ates from the Costa Linda
been coming to Aruba for Beach Resort.q
First Time Guests Love Aruba!
MANGEL HALTO - Mr. Ar- erything about our happy
thur and Mrs. Shirley Wood Island.
are visiting Aruba for their
first time ever and they are They are seen in the photo
having the time of their life! enjoying the sights at Man-
Arthur and Shirley are from gel Halto.
Middleboro, Massachu- Here’s to many more
setts, and are loving ev- visits!q