Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
LOCAL Thursday 23 February 2023
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal
visitors at Renaissance Ocean Suits
ORANJESTAD - Recently,
Aruba Tourism Author-
ity representative Ms. Olga
Ruiz had the great pleasure
in honoring many loyal
Aruba visitors with their dis-
tinctive certificates. These
certificates are a way to
say “Masha Danki” for con- naissance Ocean Suits be- and the hotel staff
tinuously choosing Aruba stowed the certification of Great national infrastruc-
as a favorite vacation des- the Emerald Ambassadors. ture
tination. The titles are as The honorees were pre- Great water: drinking and
following: 10+ years “Distin- sented with the Emerald recreational
guished Visitor”, 20+ years Ambassador Certificate Great beaches
“Goodwill Ambassador” and memorable gifts. Great safetyq
and 36+ years “Emerald
Ambassador”. On behalf of the Aruba
Government, we would
The honorees were Francis like to express our gratitude
Passenaut, resident of New and appreciation to Mr.
York, United states and Passenaut and Mr. Sorsaia,
Robert sorsaia also resident both of whom are Carni-
of New York, United States. val enthusiasts. Thank you
They have been honored for making Aruba your fa-
as Emerald Ambassadors. vored vacation destination
for so many years. We are
This symbolic honorary title so honored to have had
is presented on behalf of such wonderful visitors over
the Minister of Tourism as the years! Aruba is without
a token of appreciation to a doubt your home away
the guests who visit Aruba from home!
between the 10-20-35 and
more consecutive year Top reason for returning
mark. to Aruba, provided by the
honorees were:
Ms. Olga Ruiz representing Mr. Passenaut & Mr. Sorsaia
the Aruba Tourism Author- reasons:
ity, and members of Re- Great people: the locals