P. 11
Saturday 3 March 2018
Aruba Marriott Honored To Welcome Local Artist Jeon
-In Recognition for His Inter- within the community.
national Platinum Record The Aruba Marriott congrat-
Hit ‘Machika.’ ulates Jeon with achieving
his first international plati-
PALM BEACH - On Tuesday, num record hit and wishes
February 27, 2018 the staff him a future filled with many
and management of the more success stories.q
Aruba Marriott was very
happy and honored to
have had the opportunity
to welcome and host local
artist Jeon at the hotel, in
recognition for his interna-
tional debut with platinum
record hit ‘Machika’.
A thoughtful welcome re-
ception was held by the
lobby entrance at the Aru-
ba Marriott Resort & Stellaris
Casino, where Joerg Delin
– Complex Director of Food
& Beverage, Ben Figaroa
– Casino General Man-
ager and Stacey Banfield
– Marketing Communica-
tions Manager alongside
staff and management of
the complex joined to wel-
come Jeon and his family
with a warm greeting, wel-
come beverages and a lot
of enthusiasm. The grand
appreciation for the art-
ist was felt as soon as he
stepped out of the limo,
along with a feeling of is-
land pride among the as-
sociates who proudly em-
braced Jeon and congrat-
ulated him for his success.
Recognizing and support-
ing local artist Jeon for his
international achievement
and for his effort in promot-
ing the island of Aruba inter-
nationally is part of Aruba
Marriott’s efforts in making
a positive impact and striv-
ing to be a force of good