Page 4 - AHATA
P. 4
local Tuesday 9 July 2024
Aruba Conservation Foundation employees enhance their
knowledge in safety
tinguisher, to enhancing
their skills in providing first
aid in the field while wait-
ing for professional medical
help. By prioritizing safety,
the employees improved
their ability to assist visitors
in emergencies and pro-
tect nature, thus fostering
a safer and more resilient
working environment. Ulti-
mately, the commitment
to safety remains a priority
to make protected natural
areas accessible and safe.
Recently, the entire team
of the Aruba Conservation In addition to the various
Foundation (ACF), an inde- safety-focused courses
pendent nature conserva- and workshops, ACF, with
tion organization consisting financial support from the
of 49 dedicated and pas- Aruba Tourism Authority, is our organization. I am very
sionate employees, partici- also in the process of install- proud of the team for their
pated in various courses to ing new rules and regula- dedication and the thor-
enhance their knowledge tions signs in the protect- ough attention given in
and skills in first aid and ed natural areas. This is to these courses, in both the
safety. communicate the desired theoretical and practical
behavior to visitors when parts. I am confident that
The safety of ACF employ- visiting these protected ar- these courses will allow our
ees and visitors to natu- eas, ensuring both visitor employees to perform their
ral areas is crucial for ACF safety and nature conser- jobs in the best possible
to ensure a safe working vation. They are also in the way, ensuring the safety of
environment and a team final stages of starting the our employees, visitors, and
equipped to provide first ACF employees increased Safe4Life Consultancy and restoration of various trails our nature,” commented
aid. For this reason, ACF their knowledge on im- ImSan Aruba, ACF orga- located in Arikok National Tyson Lopez, General Di-
continues to invest not only portant topics such as Fire nized mandatory sessions Park, which will further en- rector of ACF.
in various safety materials Extinguisher Safety and re- for employees to equip hance the safety and ex-
but also in offering courses certification in Heartsaver themselves with the lat- perience of visitors. To learn more about the
to train the team to assist in First Aid CPR AED, as part est knowledge to effec- Aruba Conservation Foun-
emergencies. of ACF's ongoing commit- tively respond to various “Investing in our employ- dation, please visit www.
ment to the safety of its em- emergencies. These ses- ees' knowledge, skills, or visit Facebook,
Through a series of differ- ployees and visitors. sions ranged from dealing along with the necessary Instagram, or LinkedIn. To
ent courses and workshops with different types of fires materials, especially in the connect with the team,
held in June and July 2024, In collaboration with Be- and how to use a fire ex- area of safety, is crucial for email
A guide for the perfect picture
Where to find the most Instagrammable places in Oranjestad
pecially those that are visiting Aruba through a Wooden Swing on Plaza Daniel Leo
cruise vacation. While you’re in front of the Renaissance Mall,
check out the wooden swing on the other side
Speaking of giant signs that read “Aruba” (be- of the mall on Plaza Daniel Leo. Another favorite
cause there can never be too many), there is among visitors wanting a cute snapshot for Ins-
another sign you can find along the Linear Park, tagram. Just pass through the Renaissance Mall
in front of Talk of the Town Hotel. It may be a long and find this gem in front of the back entrance!
(Oranjestad)—Imagine, you’re taking a stroll in walk from the harbor to get there, but while you’re
the city center, and you want to take the most at it, check out these other spots along the way! Since you’ve made it this far, one question: How
picture-perfect photo to show your friends and many blue horses have you spotted already?
family back home and online. It seems like the The sitting bull
perfect spot can be hard to find, but Oranjestad Yes, you read that right; right in the heart of the Renaissance Dock
is full of great spots for a quick snapshot! Here are city center, in front of the Crystal Casino in the Last but certainly not least, the Renaissance Dock
the most Instagrammable places in Oranjestad. Renaissance Mall, there is a black bull sitting on is the perfect spot to take a beautiful picture,
a bench, waiting for you to take a picture with especially at sunset. The dock is located behind
“I LOVE ARUBA” it. Ok, so it’s not a real bull, but “I took a picture the Renaissance Market Place, and runs from the
Right on Paardenbaai Plaza, near the harbor with a sitting bull” sounds like a great conversa- Renaissance Marina up to Renaissance Beach
entrance, you will spot a giant sign that reads tion opener. and Wilhelmina Park. This spot offers a gorgeous
“I LOVE ARUBA”. A great first stop for a quick view of the ocean and sunset, accompanied
shot with the family, this spot is among the few See if you can also spot the cow on the roof! by the soft waves crashing on the shoreline. You
that has become a favorite among tourists, es- may even spot some iguanas! q