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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 18 January 2023

            Ex-GOP candidate charged in shootings at lawmakers' homes

            By RIO YAMAT and             conspiracy  and  being  a    aim above the windows to
            SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN          felon in possession of a fire-  avoid striking anyone inside,
            Associated Press             arm. No one was wounded      but that wasn't enough for
            ALBUQUERQUE,  N.M.  (AP)  in  the  drive-by  shootings,   Peña, who wanted them to
            —  A  failed  Republican  which  come  amid  rising       shoot  lower.  He  said  Peña
            candidate  paid  $500  to  threats nationwide against     was  there  at  the  Lopez
            four  men  to  shoot  at  the  members   of   Congress,   shooting  "to  ensure  better
            homes of Democratic law-     school  board  members,      target acquisition."
            makers, but was so unsatis-  election  officials  and  oth-  Peña's  insistence  that  the
            fied with the shooters' work  er  government  workers.  In   men  be  more  aggressive
            that he went along for the  Kansas,  a  trial  began  this   made  the  other  partici-
            final drive-by, his gun jam-  week for a man who pros-    pants  uneasy  "since  they
            ming as bullets ripped into  ecutors  say  threatened  to   knew  that  doing  so  would
            the bedroom of a sleeping  kill a congressman.            likely end in death or injury,"
            10-year-old girl, police said.  The  New  Mexico  Republi-  said the witness, who faces
            The   criminal   complaint  can Party said that: "If Peña   criminal  charges  and  has
            against  Solomon  Peña,  a  is found guilty, he must be   asked for leniency. Authori-
            39-year-old  felon  and  self-  prosecuted  to  the  full  ex-  ties  said  no  such  promises   Solomon Pena, center, a Republican candidate for New Mexico
            proclaimed  "MAGA  king,"  tent of the law."              have been made.              House District 14, is taken into custody by Albuquerque Police
                                                                                                   officers, Monday, Jan. 16, 2023, in southwest Albuquerque, N.M.
            describes  how  anger  over  Police  said  Peña  had  pre-  A  lawyer  for  Peña  who                                           Associated Press
            his  landslide  defeat  in  No-  viously shown up uninvited   could comment on the al-
            vember  led  to  attacks  at  at the homes of two elect-  legations wasn't listed Tues-  fact  that  our  democratic  way," Martinez, the Demo-
            the  homes  of  four  Demo-  ed  officials  with  what  he   day in court records.     processes that we believed  cratic  lawmaker,  said  at
            cratic  lawmakers  in  New  claimed  were  documents      The  shooting  spree  was  so much in -- and that our  a  news  conference  on  his
            Mexico's  largest  city.  A  proving  that  he  had  won   "scary, not just from my per-  country was founded on --  first day as the top-ranked
            SWAT  team  arrested  him  his race. There was no evi-    sonal  perspective,  but  the  would  be  targeted  in  that  House leader.q
            Monday  evening,  police  dence  of  widespread  vot-
            said. Peña spent nine years  er fraud, or any irregularity
            behind  bars  after  his  ar-  involving  enough  votes  to
            rest  in  April  2007  for  steal-  change  a  result,  in  New
            ing  electronics  and  other  Mexico in 2020 or 2022.
            goods  from  several  retail  The  criminal  complaint,
            stores  as  part  of  what  au-  which  includes  testimony
            thorities  described  as  a  from a confidential witness
            burglary  crew.  He  was  re-  who said he had "personal
            leased from prison in March  and intimate knowledge of
            2016,  and  had  his  voting  the  crimes"  and  was  pres-
            rights  restored  after  com-  ent at most of the attacks,
            pleting five years probation  says  Peña  hired  a  father
            in April 2021, corrections of-  and son with criminal histo-
            ficials said.                ries of their own as well as
            Peña  ran  unsuccessfully  in  two brothers whom author-
            November  against  incum-    ities have yet to identify. In
            bent  state  Rep.  Miguel  P.  one of their text messages,
            Garcia, the longtime Dem-    Peña complained that offi-
            ocrat  representing  House  cials certifying the election
            District 14 in the South Val-  in November "sold us out to
            ley.  Peña  got  26%  of  the  the highest bidder."
            vote. Peña, whose criminal  The  shootings  began  Dec.
            past  had  came  up  during  4, when eight rounds were
            his  losing  campaign,  re-  fired at the home of Berna-
            peatedly  made  baseless  lillo  County  Commissioner
            claims  that  the  election  Adriann  Barboa.  Days  lat-
            was "rigged" against him.    er, state Rep. Javier Marti-
            "I  dissent.  I  am  the  MAGA  nez's  home  was  targeted.
            king,"  he  posted  the  day  On  Dec.  11,  more  than  a
            after the election. On Nov.  dozen  rounds  were  fired
            15, he posted an image of  at  the  home  of  Bernalillo
            himself in a "Make America  County Commissioner Deb-
            Great  Again"  hoodie,  say-  bie O'Malley, police said.
            ing "Trump just announced  The  final  related  shooting,
            for  2024.  I  stand  with  him.  targeting  state  Sen.  Linda
            I  never  conceded  my  HD  Lopez's  home,  unfolded  in
            14  race.  Now  researching  the  midnight  hour  of  Jan.
            my  options."  Peña  has  an  3. Police said more than a
            initial  court  appearance  dozen  shots  were  fired,  in-
            Wednesday  on  charges  cluding  three  that  Lopez
            including  multiple  counts  said  passed  through  the
            of shooting at a home and  bedroom  of  her  sleeping
            shooting from a motor ve-    10-year-old daughter.
            hicle,  aggravated  battery  The witness said one of the
            with  a  deadly  weapon,  men  told  the  shooters  to
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