Page 11 - HOH_Neat
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Thursday 28 april 2022 locAl
The Aruban genome Episode CLI - 151
All children of the same mother have identical mito-
chondrial DNA. The sons of this woman’s daughters also
have the same mtDNA, and so on. mtDNA is inherited
only from mother to child.
In the picture we can observe an Aruban family from
1950 of over seven generations. Eight individuals (moth-
er and children) that carry a Native American Mt DNA
and a European nuclear DNA. Where some of them
look more white, other are mixed and yet some show
mongoloid features of their native ancestors.
The mtDNA test not only reveals the origin of your ma-
ternal ancestors, but also those that you are related
to on the maternal side. The results of your mtDNA test
may be used for maternal kinship searches around By exchanging information with your what traces these peoples have left in
the world or for regional investigations. This research is “genetic relatives” about, for example, their genes which are still present in the
about knowing if people with the same or similar place the family tree, you can broaden your current population. Perhaps this home
of origin are biologically related. knowledge about the history of your pa- settlement represents an important part
ternal ancestors. of our forgoten story.
At present, these kinship searches are available to ev-
eryone through the Internet. We can start a project on However keeping our attention on the If you love Aruba its origins and its cul-
maternal kinship or also subscribe to an existing one. It Mt-DNA results specifically of your own tural heritage, be part of the exclusive
is free and very suitable if you want to find relatives on origin, you can also investigate the gene visitors of Etnia Nativa: a cozy museum/
the mother’s side her mother and so one in history. pool of a certain region. So you can find home.
A mitochondrial DNA test shows you your haplogroup out which families come from the same
(your tribe in prehistory) and which ancient people region, how closely intertwined and re- Etnia Nativa a private residential houses
(Celts, Vikings, Jews, Native American etc.) your an- lated they are, and which haplogroups collections of native art, archaeologi-
cestors belonged to. In addition, you will also learn and concequenlty, what Haplo types cal artifacts and historic furniture, while
which region your profile is typical of and where your are still present under our native popu- the facilities themselves are the result of
ancestors lived during the Middle Ages (500 AD to 1500 lation. These results should not always or the transformation of recycled materi-
AD). Depending on the genetic profile, a definitive as- only be compared with entries in a fam- als. Meet Anthony Croes, our columnist
signment is not possible. With a nuclear DNA geneal- ily tree, but also possibly with historio- at his home! Book your visit Whatsapp
ogy you will also find “genetic relatives”, that is, people graphical sources. For expmle; Was this + 297 592 2702- or mail: etnianativa03@
with whom you share ancestors on your fathers side. region a Caquetio settlement? Find out gmail.comq
JUMP18 - Aruba Childhood Obesity Prevention Program” with great results
ORANJESTAD – On April 22, 2022, JUMP18 is a multidisciplinary child- to live healthier lives by (re)educat- NCDs are diseases such as cancers,
the Minister of Tourism & Public hood obesity prevention program ing and challenging their limiting diabetes, cardiovascular disease,
Health the closing ceremony of the affiliated with the Horacio Oduber beliefs. Over the past six months, stroke, and chronic lung diseases
first Aruba Childhood Obesity Pre- Hospital. JUMP18 held a variety of work- and are a burden on the AZV’s
vention Program called “JUMP18” JUMP18 started on September 14, shops under professional guidance budget. Diabetes causes kidneys
at the Gloria took place. 2021, to make a difference, and for the children and their parents. failure and leads to dialysis. Each
inspire and motivate others. It will Minister of Tourism & Public Health, patient undergoing dialysis has a
create new opportunities for all Mr. Dangui Oduber, who attended hefty price tag of Awg.100,000.00
involved in the program, for exam- the closing ceremony, affirmed per year for the AZV, and these are
ple, the parents, the professionals, that this program is according his almost 100% preventable. Obe-
and especially the children. Healthcare policy based on pre- sity and malnutrition is the leading
JUMP18 is a team of five young vention. “It is for the first time in his- cause of most of these diseases.
Aruban healthcare professionals tory Aruba has a national plan for Minister Dangui Oduber thanked
and a pediatrician that devel- the prevention of Non-Communi- Dr. Jamiu Busari, he founder and
oped a hands-on initiative to em- cable Diseases, approved by the senior researcher of JUMP18, for
power children and their parents Pan American Health Organization this initiative and supervision. He
to improve their health and well- (PAHO). The national prevention also thanked the professional med-
being. The philosophy of JUMP18 plan is an extensive long-term plan ical team of JUMP18 for making
is to motivate and enable Aruban to reduce the amount of NCDs this program a success. To have a
children and their parents to live under the Aruban population and healthy community takes responsi-
sustainable and healthy lifestyles reach a more sustainable budget bility and commitment to take bet-
needed to prevent the harmful ef- for AZV. It is essential to teach chil- ter care of ourselves, eat healthier,
fects of childhood obesity. JUMP18 dren, at a very young age, the im- and be more active.
aims to help parents and children portance of leading a healthy life. Together we can succeed.q