Page 15 - ATA
P. 15
Wednesday 4 april 2018
Aruba’s tourists make a difference with the “Carry Your Cup’ pledge
ternoon snorkel cruise or a Reusable cups can be pur- clean Aruba efforts. The
lovely sunset sail. Guests chased at the Jolly Pirates Jolly Pirates team partici-
are encouraged to join the souvenir shop. Both great- pates in Aruba Reef Care
MAlMok - The popular Bring your own cup or movement, to limit waste- looking and durable, the projects, Beach clean ups
tourist attraction, Jolly Pi- purchase a $2 Jolly Pirate ful plastic in Aruba’s landfill Jolly Pirates BPA-free reus- and also participates in the
rates proves eco-friendly- reusable BPA-free option and from inadvertently pol- able cup provides an easy #5minutebeachcleanup
with its invitation to their instead of using wasteful luting the Sea. way to join the #carryy- to pick up trash that others
guests to participate in a single-use disposable plas- ourcup pledge for a clean- have left behind.
#Carryyourcup Campaign. tic. “If you love the ocean like er Aruba and a healthier
we do, you naturally want environment for sea crit- Purchase a souvenir cup
to do something about it”, ters, fish and wildlife. when you visit the Jolly Pi-
It’s a simple concept. Jolly You can do your part to
Pirates asks visitors to help reduce waste by using a explains the ship’s Captains rates ticket shop at MooM-
to reduce waste with the reusable cup aboard a Julio, Ron and Edwin. The Jolly Pirates #carryy- ba Beach. You can also
#carryyourcup pledge. Jolly Pirates morning or af- ourcup campaign is just make your reservations
one of many eco-friendly online and save up to 20%
ways in which the popu- on your tickets on the com-
lar excursion company, pany’s new website www.
is striving to support more jolly-pirates.comq