Page 10 - ANTILL DGB
P. 10
10 Antilliaans Dagblad Maandag 19 maart 2018
Van onzer verslaggevers Twee mannen, één droom vacia voor een toptijd op de 400
Willemstad - De Curaçaose at- meter. Om dat doel te bereiken
leet Liemarvin Bonevacia heeft moeten beiden flink aan de bak.
samen met fotograaf Paul Raats vacia is 28 jaar oud en gespecia- werden opgeheven en het niet re topsporters voor de lens ge- Liemarvin Bonevacia. ,,Ik ga
maar één doel voor ogen: het be- liseerd in de 400 meter sprint. langer mogelijk was om voor dit had, onder wie tienkamper Eel- hard trainen en verantwoord
halen van de Olympische Spelen Hij heeft al tweemaal eerder land uit te komen. In 2016 deed co Sintnicolaas en zwemmer eten. Verder is rust erg belang-
in Tokyo van 2020. Afgelopen deelgenomen aan de Olympi- hij mee als vertegenwoordiger Ferry Weertman. Afgelopen rijk en een goede focus. Zo ben
weekend bracht de route naar de sche Spelen. Eenmaal deed hij van Nederland. Bonevacia werd weekend werkte hij samen met ik sterk genoeg op het juiste mo-
Zomerspelen hen samen naar dat als onafhankelijk olympisch meerdere keren op verschillen- Bonevacia. Beiden met een ment en kan ik mij met hopelijk
Fort Pannerden in Doornen- deelnemer in 2012, dit omdat in de afstanden Nederlands kampi- droom. Paal Raats gaat voor een een mooie tijd kwalificeren voor
burg voor een fotoshoot. Bone- 2011 de Nederlandse Antillen oen. Paul Raats heeft al meerde- foto-expositie in Japan en Bone- de Olympische Spelen.”
To: the shareholders and Board of Directors of Inter- Summary financial highlights from the audited ARAS, in accordance with the Ge- BASIC PRINCIPLES
Assure Schadeverzekeringsmaatschappij N.V. The financial highlights do not contain all the disclo- neral Insurance Annual Statement Composition and General
sures required by the General Insurance Annual State- Valuation Guidelines, issued by the CBCS.
Our opinion ment Composition and Valuation Guidelines, issued by Inter-Assure Schadeverzekeringsmaatschappij
The accompanying financial highlights 2017 of Inter- the CBCS. Reading the financial highlights, therefore, The Supervisory Directors are responsible for oversee- N.V., acts as a non-life insurance company
Assure Schadeverzekeringsmaatschappij N.V., based in advising, mediating and effecting general
Curaçao, are derived from the audited Annual Reports is not a substitute for reading the audited ARAS of ing the company’s financial reporting process. insurance contracts and settling claims.
Inter-Assure Schadeverzekeringsmaatschappij N.V. in-
Automated Statements (“ARAS”) of Inter-Assure Scha- cluding our auditor’s report thereon. Those ARAS, and Our responsibilities Basis of preparation
deverzekeringsmaatschappij N.V. for the year ended The Annual Reports Automated Statements
December 31, 2017. the financial highlights, do not reflect the effects of Our responsibility is to provide an opinion if the finan-
events that occurred subsequent to the date of our cial highlights are consistent, in all material respects, (“ARAS”), from which the financial highlights
In our opinion these financial highlights are consistent, auditor’s report on those ARAS. with the audited ARAS, based on our audit, in ac- have been derived, are prepared in accordance
in all material respects, with the audited ARAS of Inter- cordance with Dutch Standards on auditing, including with the ARAS Annual Statement Instructions
Assure Schadeverzekeringsmaatschappij N.V. in accor- The audited ARAS and our auditor’s report thereon Dutch Standard 810 “Engagements to report on sum- and Valuation Guidelines, issued by the Central
dance with the General Insurance Annual Statement We expressed an unqualified audit opinion on those mary financial statements”. Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten (“CBCS”).
Composition and Valuation Guidelines issued by the ARAS in our auditor’s report dated March 16, 2018. The figures presented in these highlights are
Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten (“CBCS”). Responsibilities of management and the Board Curaçao, March 16, 2018 stated in thousands of Antillean Guilders and
Directors for the financial highlights are rounded to the nearest thousand.
The accompanying highlights comprise: Pursuant to the Provisions for the Disclosure of con- For and on behalf of BDO B.V. The accounting policies are consistent, in all
• the balance sheet as at December 31, 2017; G.W.H.J. Glaudemans RA material respects, with those used in
• the profit and loss statement for 2017; and solidated Financial Highlights of Insurance Companies, the previous year. For financial statement
issued by the CBCS, Management is responsible for
• explanatory notes to the financial highlights as at the preparation of the financial highlights derived presentation purposes certain 2016 amounts
December 31, 2017. may have been adjusted.
BALANCE SHEET PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT Accounts receivable are shown after deduction
As of December 31 th As of December 31 th of a provision for bad and doubtful debtors,
In Thousands of Naf. In Thousands of Naf. where appropriate. The accounts receivable
have a maturity date due within one year.
ASSETS 2017 2016 2017 2016 Technical reserves
1. Non-Admissible Assets 475 481 1. Net Earned Premiums 2.924 2.086 Technical reserve for net unearned premiums
2. Investments - - 2. Net Other Underwriting Income - - The technical reserve for net unearned pre-
2.1 Real Estate - - 3. Net Claims Incurred 1.487 954 miums refers to accrued insurance premiums
2.2 Unconsolidated Affiliated Companies and 4. Net Claim Adjustment Expenses Incurred - - written in the reporting period, but with a re-
Other Participations - - 5. Net Changes in Various Other Provisions - - maining risk period of the paid premium in the
2.3 Stock - - 6. Policyholders Dividends and following year. This reserve is presented net-off
2.4 Bonds and Other Fixed Income Securities - - Other Similar Benefits Incurred - - reinsurance premiums.
2.5 Participation in Non-Affiliated 7. Underwriting Expenses Incurred 974 970 Technical reserve for claims
Investment Pools - - 8. Net Other Expenses Incurred 253 260 The technical reserve for claims refers to
2.6 Mortgage Loans - - reported claims incurred but not settled as
2.7 Other Loans - - per year-end and to claims incurred but not
2.8 Deposits with Financial Institutions 1.200 600 9. Underwriting Results 210 -98 reported at year-end (IBNR).
2.9 Other Investments - - (Without Investment income and Realized Capital Gains of Losses)
10. Net Investment Income and Earned and Short-term liabilities
3. Current Assets 1.703 2.183 Capital Gains or Losses 25 3 The short-term liabilities are due within one year.
4. Other Assets - 44 11. Other Results - - General result
Total 3.378 3.308
12. Extraordinary Results - - Profit is determined as the difference between
Equity Provisions And Liabilities net earned premiums and all claims and
5. Capital and Surplus - - 13. Net Operational Results before Taxes 235 -95 expenses relating to the reporting period. Costs
5.1 Capital 797 797 14. Corporate Taxes Incurred 52 -44 are determined in accordance with
5.2 Surplus 365 182 the accounting policies applied to the balance
5.3 Less Treasury Stock - - 15. Net Operational Results after Taxes 183 -51 sheet. Profit is realized in the year in which
16. Net Unrealized Gains or Losses - - the premiums are recognized. Losses are taken
6. Subordinated Instruments - - upon recognition. Other income and expenses
are allocated to the periods to which
7. Provisions for Insurance Obligations - - 17. Net Profit or loss 183 -51
7.1 Net Unearned Premium Provision 1.476 1.482 they relate.
7.2 Net Claim Provision 589 708 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES
7.3 Net Claim Adjustment Expense Provision - - ANALYSIS OF UNASSIGNED EARNINGS None
7.4 Funds Provision - - 18. Unassigned Earnings (Beginning of Year) 182 233 CAPITAL OR SURPLUS COMMITMENTS
7.5 Other Technical Provisions - - A. Net Profit or Loss 183 -51 The company has a capital surplus that results
B. Distribution of Accumulated Earnings - - in a solvency quote of 140%.
8. Other Provision and Liabilities - -
C. Other Changes in Unassigned Earnings - -
9. Current Liabilities 151 139 19. Unassigned Earnings (End of Year) 365 182 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS AFFECTING THE STATED
10. Contingent Liabilities - EARNINGS OF THE COMPANY
Total 3.378 3.308 None
Highlights 2017 large corporations and institutions. We do business Our figures 2017 show a solid profit of Ang 235.000,- We are confident that we will continue to grow in a
We have great advantages as an insurance company. on the basis of clearly defined principles and we (before taxes). Inter-Assure is prepared and will sustainable manner and secure solid financial results
A clear vision and plan, a well-respected brand, stake- carefully weigh the interests of all involved. adapt to always changing conditions, in order to in order to further strengthen our financial solidity.
holder’s trust, strong ethical code and professional safeguard and secure our stakeholder’s interests.
skills. More importantly, we have the willingness to Challenges and opportunities Thank you for your continued trust and support.
make the most out of them! 2017 saw persisting challenges in the external Over 2017 we have again received an actuarial cer-
Inter-Assure has had a good year again and there are environment, besides natural disasters also the tification from Couperus Actuariële Adviesgroep. This Justus P. van der Lubbe, CEO
many more to come. We have set our objectives to non-commitment of governments. certification evidences a solvency ratio of 140% by
help our customers defy uncertainty. We are adopt- This means insurers must disrupt or be disrupted. year-end 2017 and has contributed to building solid
ing digital to deliver more effectively and our Meeting this challenge is a not to underestimate task reserves for potential claims and unearned premiums
financial performance sets us well for the future. especially in a low-yield environment. Meanwhile, in combination with a substantial and trustworthy
shifting political landscape creates uncertainties for reinsurance program with SCOR and Hannover Re.
Our People: future legislation and regulation.
I would like to thank my colleagues for their Inter- Assure insurances
continued support, innovation and energy, all at the Performance
Fokkerweg 171, Saliña, Curaçao
highest level. Our business is built by people for the Looking forward to 2018, we will continue our focus
Tel: +5999 465 2020,
people and we do this with passion. on increasing customer advocacy, staying a digital
ringleader, capital optimization, managing our risk en-
Our community and customers vironment and increasing shareholder value. Despite
Inter-Assure serves a broad customer base, the economic downturn over the last seven years, our
comprising individuals, families, small businesses, business has a solid basis for the future ahead.