Page 20 - MIN VOS JULY 17 2015
P. 20
Friday 17 July 2015
Recipients of Scholarships from Paseo Herencia Shopping Mall Announced!
PALM BEACH - The owner- macho was very pleased elors Degrees in Hospitality with the scholarships, each tion to assist any students
ship and management of to announce the recipients Management, Finance & student was awarded a that may be faltering, and
Paseo Herencia Shopping of 11 scholarships; the mall Accounting, and Arts & Sci- premium quality backpack perhaps resolve family or
Mall in Palm Beach has welcomed them and their ences, respectively. from Totto accessory store, social problems, thus help-
demonstrated repeatedly parents with an informal re- “The cost of tuition at the filled with all the necessary ing them get back on track
their commitment to cor- ception at TGI Friday’s. University of Aruba just items to see them through before they withdraw their
porate responsibility and The original plan was to went up this past year,” the school year. financial support.
betterment of the island provide fifteen awards dis- explained the three col- The Paseo Herencia “Edu- “We have long standing
community through their tributed among the various lege students, “and it will cation is a Gift” Program programs dedicated to
support of youth; particu- scholastic levels. Ten stu- go up again next year. We judged the recipients not sustaining what we con-
larly in the realm of pursu- dents would be selected had no idea how we were only on financial need, but sider the foundation of a
ing excellence in sports, from the primary schools, going to be able to afford a proven record of scho- better community: cohe-
developing talent in all the four from the secondary it, but this program will en- lastic achievement, insur- sive family units and par-
arts, and volunteer work. schools, HAVO, MAVO or able us to complete our
The mall’s newest initiative, EPI, and one student from education and obtain our ing they are serious about ticipation by our youth in
“Education is a Gift,” was the University of Aruba. The degrees.” pursuing an education. the healthy, character-
announced by General panel evaluating the appli- “Seeing this type of initia- The mall’s plan is to con- building pastimes of com-
Manager Valerie Pietersz- cations, however, were so tive from Paseo Herencia tinue the financial support petitive sport,” explained
Camacho and Marketing impressed by the motiva- gives me hope,” comment- each year for the winners, Valerie Pieterz-Camacho
Manager Candy Rasmijn- tion and sincerity of three ed Edlin. “I believe that giv- hopefully through their at- during the scholarship an-
Reino in early June. They young women wishing to ing back to the community taining a Masters Degree, nouncement. “We feel that
were accepting appli- complete their education is crucial, because it is an provided they maintain education is paramount
cations for a scholarship at the University of Aruba, investment in our future. It their grade point average. in strengthening our island
program for all levels of they decided to adjust has highly motivated me, Valerie explained they are society. We hope to lead
schoolchildren on Aruba their original plan. Edlin and I am determined to go working closely with the other island businesses in
from elementary to univer- Boekhoudt, Yeranny Ro- on for my Masters Degree.” Bureau of Social Services their commitment to youth
sity level. sario and Nikita Marcella Aside from the University and Family First founda- by our example.”q
On Wednesday afternoon, Dirks will now realize their of Aruba students receiv-
July 15, Valerie Pietersz-Ca- dreams of attaining Bach- ing full scholarships for the
year were Soraida Maduro,
attending the EPI, Aruba’s
professional training insti-
tute that awards Associate
Degrees. Franzhela Croes,
Chris Angela and Jessy An-
gela are attending MAVO,
the equivalent of junior
high school in the U.S., and
Elementary Students Derby-
son Maduro, Frangemario
Angela, Jefferson Maduro,
and Ashley Mangru. Along