P. 3

10                                                                                             AWEMainta Diahuebs, 21 September 2017

                                                                                   Diabierna awor riba dia di eleccion
         Departamento di                                              Post Aruba N.V. lo ta

         Recurso Humano

         cera diabierna                                           cera despues di merdia

         awor henter dia

         DEPARTAMENTO di Recurso Humano
         (DRH) ta informa cu en conexion cu Eleccion
         pa miembronan di Parlamento, nan oficina lo ta
         cera henter dia riba diabierna 22 di september,
         2017. DRH lo reanuda servicio normal dialuna
         25 di september 2017.                                    POST Aruba N.V. ta informa comunidad cu pa motibo di eleccion dia 22 di september
                                                                  proximo, e oficinanan di Post Aruba N.V. ta cera pa 12:00pm. Despues di merdia lo no
                                                                  atende publico mas. E empleadonan di Post Aruba N.V. lo haya mita dia liber pa nan
                                                                  por eherce nan derecho di voto.

                                                                  Post Aruba N.V. lo ta habri dialuna den su orario regular brindando comunidad di
                                                                  Aruba e servicionan di semper.

                                                                  Pa mas informacion riba servicionan di Post Aruba N.V., bishita e website www.posta-
                                                         of check nan paginanan riba Facebook, cu ta Post Aruba NV y Aruba Stamps.

                              MEGAPLEX 8

              Caribbean Cinemas Aruba  ©2017 EYGM Limited. All rights reserved. ED 0133  A better
                           SEPTEMBER 21-27
              TARON EGERTON | COLIN FIRTH                                 working world
                                                                          starts with you
                                              WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES

                                             MON-THURS  4:50 | 7:45
                                              FRI   4:50 | 7:45 | 10:40
                                            SAT  1:55 | 4:50 | 7:45 | 10:40
                                            SUN & HOL  1:55 | 4:50 | 7:45
                                              MON-FRI  6:10 | 9:10     Vacancy EY Aruba — Staff and Senior Accounting,
                                           SAT-SUN & HOL  3:15 | 6:10 | 9:10  Compliance and Reporting (ACR)
                                                                       EY is a global leader in Assurance, Tax, Transactions   Staff and Senior ACR
         NEW THIS WEEK!             NEW THIS WEEK!                     professionals worldwide are united by our shared   looking for a Staff and a Senior with at least a bachelor’s
                                                                       and Advisory services. Our family of over 215,000
                                                                                                              To strengthen our ACR team in Aruba we are currently
                                                                       values, which inspires us and guides us to do the right
                                                                                                              degree in accountancy or business administration with
                                                                       thing. EY Dutch Caribbean is part of an integrated
                                                                                                              1 - 4 years of relevant work experience.
                                                                       regional firm, EY Caribbean (EYC) which consists of
                                            WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES
                                            WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES
              MON-THURS  4:10 | 6:20 | 8:40
                                                                       and St. Lucia.
                                                                                                                 Technical knowledge is very important, but
              FRI   4:10 | 6:20 | 8:40 | 11:00  MON-THURS  4:05 | 6:40 | 9:15  offices in Curacao, Aruba, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad   The qualities we are looking for in all our colleagues?
                                          FRI   4:05 | 6:40 | 9:15 | 11:30
             SAT  1:55 | 4:10 | 6:20 | 8:40 | 11:00  SAT  1:50 | 4:05 | 6:40 | 9:15 | 11:30                      character is even more important
             SUN & HOL  1:55 | 4:10 | 6:20 | 8:40  SUN & HOL  1:50 | 4:05 | 6:40 | 9:15   EY is committed to doing its part in building a better
                                                                       working world for our people, for our clients and for   •   Team players with an eye for detail and a high
                                          JOEL HOGAN | JOSH POTTHOFF
            JAKE GYLLENHAAL | TATIANA MASLANY  AMERICAN                our communities. As part of the highest performing   •   standard of integrity
         NEW THIS WEEK!   STROGER   ASSASSIN                           Recruiting, developing and retaining top talent is at   •   A proactive and self-motivated attitude with a lot
                                                                                                                 Strong communication and analytical skills
                                                                       teams, you will deliver real insight and value.
                                                                                                                 of energy and enthusiasm to learn and grow
                                                                       the heart of our organization. We create a workplace
                                                                                                                 Innovative and results-oriented professionals with
                                                                       that encourages collaboration and flexibility so the
                                                                                                                 entrepreneurial skills who share our unwavering
                                                                                                                 commitment to high quality
                                           MON-FRI  4:30 | 6:55 | 9:25
                                                                       From the moment you join us, we will give you real
                MON-FRI  4:30 | 7:00 | 9:30
            SAT-SUN & HOL  2:00 |4:30 | 7:00 | 9:30  SAT-SUN & HOL  2:05 | 4:30 | 6:55 | 9:25  great people who form our teams can truly excel.   Are you up for the challenge?
                                                                       challenges and offer you great opportunities to
                                                  ÅRD | | JAAEDEN L
                  RYAN REYNOLDS | SAMUEL L. JACKSON   BILL SKARSGÅRD | JAEDEN LIEBERHER  develop your professional skills and shape your career.   Please send an e-mail with your application letter and
                                                                       Our reputation is based on creating outstanding   CV to our HR Department, For
                                                                       professionals. And as you play your part, we play ours.  questions you can also contact us at +599 9 430 5000.
                                                                       At EY it’s all about being the best and building   An assessment is part of the selection process. Your application will
                                                 WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES                                       be treated confidentially.
                   MON-FRI  4:10 | 6:35 | 9:05    MON-FRI  6:25 | 9:20  a better working world. On this mission we are
                SAT-SUN & HOL  1:50 | 4:10 | 6:35 | 9:05  SAT-SUN & HOL  3:35 | 6:25 | 9:20  looking for more exceptional people to join our high
              STARTING SEPTEMBER 28  | AMERICAN MADE • FLATLINERS      performing team in Aruba.
        Palm Beach Plaza    THE MAGIC OF THE MOVIES
        Aruba | 586-0074  ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE
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