Page 38 - min.sja sept 4,2015
P. 38
WORLD NEWSFriday 4 September 2015
Hungary opens door to trains for migrants, but only to camps
S. POGATCHNIK boy — apparently unin- Migrants try to board a train at the railway station in Budapest, Hungary, Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015.
Associated Press jured despite their stum-
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — bling descent onto the Over 150,000 migrants have reached Hungary this year, most coming through the southern border
Thousands of people des- tracks — were freed and
perate to reach Western allowed to rejoin other mi- with Serbia, and many apply for asylum but quickly try to leave for richer EU countries.
Europe rushed into a Buda- grants.
pest train station Thursday The scene of desperation
after police ended a two- was just one of many that
day blockade, setting off unfolded Thursday as tem-
a wave of anger and con- pers flared in Hungary’s
fusion as hundreds shoved war of wills with migrants
their way onto a waiting trying to evade asylum
train. But when it tried to checks and reach Western
drop them off at a Hungar- Europe, a showdown with
ian camp for asylum seek- consequences for the en-
ers, a bitter showdown be- tire continent.
gan. As Hungary’s anti-im-
One man threw his wife migrant prime minister
and infant son onto the warned European partners
tracks, screaming in Ara- that he intends to make
bic, “We won’t move from his country’s borders an
here!” Police surrounded impassible fortress for new
the prone family, pulled the arrivals, his government
husband away and hand- struggled to coax thou-
cuffed him as he wailed. sands of unwanted visitors
His wife and diaper-clad away from the Budapest
(AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
transportation hub that has the Keleti train terminal their desired destinations in
been turned into a squalid when police unexpectedly Germany and Austria.
refugee camp. withdrew Thursday morn- In desperate scenes, peo-
People fleeing war and ing, ending a blockade ple pushed each other to
poverty in the Middle East, designed to stop migrants reach the train’s six car-
Asia and Africa rushed into from boarding trains to riages. q
Head of UN panel on Syria calls IS ‘desperate’
JAMEY KEATEN ing ground,” Pinheiro said few major new insights into
Associated Press of Islamic State, noting its the grinding 4½-year con-
GENEVA (AP) — The Is- recent gains and losses. “I flict, with “no end in sight.”
lamic State group appears think at this moment they Commission members said
“desperate” and is losing continue to win in psycho- this edition is highlighting
ground to Kurdish fighters logical terms, in attracting the immense suffering of
who are battling the radi- the youth from Europe and Syrian civilians, including
cals “on behalf of humani- those kinds of countries. But some 250,000 who have
ty,” the head of a U.N. pan- in fact in terms of war in the been killed.
el on Syria said Thursday. territory, they are begin- “Civilians are suffering the
Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, chair ning to feel the pressure.” unimaginable as the world
of a U.N. Human Rights But U.S. intelligence officials stands witness,” Pinheiro
Council investigative panel said this summer that even told a news conference.
on Syria, made the com- though more than 10,000 Tactics such as encircl-
ments to The Associated extremist fighters have ing populated areas have
Press after it issued a new been killed, the Islamic caused starvation, malnu-
report on Syria’s civil war. It State group is fundamen- trition and chronic illness
said the Islamic State group tally no weaker than it was among besieged residents,
has resorted to tactics like when the U.S.-led bombing the report said. It alleged
hit-and-run attacks and campaign began a year abuses by several sides,
suicide car bombings after ago. The radical group including President Bashar
losses to Kurds backed by controls vast swaths of ter- Assad’s forces, Islamic State
U.S.-led coalition air power. ritory in both Syria and Iraq. and al-Qaida-backed Nus-
“I think they are desper- The panel’s report — the ra Front.q
ate, because they are los- 10th of its kind — offered