P. 14

A14   sports
                       Monday 3 april 2023
            LSU wins 1st NCAA championship, beating Clark and Iowa

            By DOUG FEINBERG                                                                                                    the  Tigers  a  59-42  lead  at
            AP Basketball Writer                                                                                                the break. It  was  the most
            DALLAS (AP) — Kim Mulkey’s                                                                                          points  ever  in  the  first  half
            LSU  Tigers  used  a  record                                                                                        of  a  championship  game,
            offensive     performance                                                                                           breaking  the  record  held
            to  beat  Caitlin  Clark  and                                                                                       by Tennessee since 1998.
            Iowa 102-85 in the national                                                                                         “I’ve  been  working  for  this
            championship  game  on                                                                                              my whole life,” Carson said
            Sunday to win the first bas-                                                                                        at  halftime.  “It  feels  great
            ketball title in school history.                                                                                    to  finally  display  it  on  this
            The  victory  made  Mulkey                                                                                          stage.”
            the  first  women’s  coach                                                                                          LSU shot 58% from the field
            to  win  national  champi-                                                                                          in the opening 20 minutes,
            onships  at  two  different                                                                                         including going nine for 12
            schools.  She  won  three  at                                                                                       from  behind  the  arc.  The
            Baylor  before  leaving  for                                                                                        Tigers  finished  the  game
            LSU  two  years  ago.  The                                                                                          shooting 54% from the field,
            feisty  and  flamboyantly                                                                                           including  making  11  of  17
            dressed Mulkey, who wore                                                                                            3-pointers.
            a  sparkly  golden  tiger                                                                                           Clark  had  16  points  and
            striped  outfit,  now  has  the                                                                                     five  assists  before  picking
            third-most  titles  of  all  time                                                                                   up her third foul with 3:56 to
            behind  Geno  Auriemma’s                                                                                            go in the half, which didn’t
            11 and Pat Summitt’s eight.   LSU head coach Kim Mulkey holds up the championship trophy after the NCAA Women’s Final   go over well with the sellout
            Mulkey  has  never  lost  in  a   Four championship basketball game against Iowa Sunday, April 2, 2023, in Dallas. LSU won 102-85   crowd of more than 19,000
                                         to win the championship.
            championship game.                                                                                 Associated Press   fans that included first lady
            The loss  ended  one of  the                                                                                        Jill  Biden  and  Billie  Jean
            greatest  individual  perfor-  her tournament with 191.   73-64  with  1:03  left  in  the  her face with a “you can’t  King, who sat together in a
            mances  in  NCAA  Tourna-    The  102  points  broke  the  third  quarter  when  Clark  see me” gesture.            luxury box above the court.
            ment  history  by  Clark,  the  previous  high  for  a  cham-  was  called  for a  technical  As the final seconds ticked  Before  this  game,  Carson
            AP  national  player  of  the  pionship  game,  surpassing  foul.  She  swatted  the  ball  off,  Mulkey  and  Reese  had  gone  scoreless  in  five
            year.  The  junior  guard  fin-  the  97  that  Texas  scored  away as it was on the floor  hugged,  setting  off  a  wild  of  her  seven  postseason
            ished  with  30  points.  She  against Southern California  after  a  foul  call  against  a  celebration by the Tigers.  games  in  her  career.  She
            scored 40 in the semifinals to  in 1986.                  teammate.  That  counted  The game was tight for the  had 11 points in this NCAA
            knock out unbeaten South  Jasmine  Carson  scored  22  as  a  personal  foul  for  her,  first 15 minutes before Car-  Tournament  before  Sun-
            Carolina  one  game  after  points, Alexis Morris added  her fourth of the game.       son  got  hot  from  the  out-  day.
            she had the first 40-point tri-  21 and Angel Reese had 15  Clark  played  the  entire  side. She made all six of her  It  was  high-scoring  first
            ple-double in NCAA history  points and 10 rebounds for  fourth  quarter  with  four  shots  in  the  second  quar-  quarter despite there being
            in the Elite Eight.          LSU (34-2).                  fouls  but  couldn’t  get  the  ter,  including  four  3-point-  a lot of stoppages because
            The  dazzling  guard,  who  Trailing by 21 points early in  Hawkeyes much closer.      ers. After one of them, she  of  foul  calls,  which  made
            grew  up  in  Iowa,  set  the  the third quarter, Iowa start-  After  Katari  Poole  hit  a  threw  her  hands  in  the  air  getting  into  an  offensive
            NCAA  record  for  points  in  ed hitting from the outside  3-pointer  in  front  of  the  and Mulkey mimicked it on  flow  more  difficult.  Clark
            a  tournament,  passing  the  to go on a 15-2 run, hitting  LSU  bench,  Mulkey  started  the sidelines.            had  a  huge  first  quarter,
            177  that  Sheryl  Swoopes  four  3-pointers  and  having  weeping.  A  few  seconds  For  good  measure,  the  scoring 14 points, but Iowa
            scored in 1993 en route to  a 3-point play to get within  later after another LSU bas-  graduate  student  guard  trailed 27-22.
            leading  Texas  Tech  to  the  65-57.                     ket, Reese taunted Clark by  banked in a shot just before  Carson banked in a 3-point-
            title that year. Clark ended  The Hawkeyes (31-7) trailed  putting her hand in front of  the halftime buzzer to give  er before buzzer.q

                                                                      Medvedev beats Sinner in straight sets

                                                                      for Miami Open title

                                                                      Medvedev is now the most  first set Sunday. During the  him to close out the first set.
                                                                      sizzling player on the men’s  changeover  at  4-3,  Sinner  At 15-30, Sinner shanked a
                                                                      tour,  winning  24  of  his  last  received a packet of pow-  backhand  that  went  long,
                                                                      25 matches after his 1-hour,  der that he dumped into a  then  fired  a  forehand  bul-
                                                                      34-minute triumph. His only  water bottle to drink.       let into the top of the net to
                                                                      loss  has  come  against  “Woke up this morning not  end the one-hour first set.
                                                                      world No. 1 Carlos Alcaraz  at  my  best  —  a  little  bit  While  Medvedev  has  won
                                                                      in last week’s final at Indian  sick,’’  Sinner  said  during  titles this year in Rotterdam,
                                                                      Wells.                       the post-match ceremony,  Doha and Dubai, this is the
                                                                      Sinner  ran  out  of  magic,  acknowledging  that  the  Russian’s first title on Ameri-
            Daniil Medvedev, of Russia, returns a shot from Jannik Sinner, of   with his three-hour win late  crowd  was  behind  him.  can soil since the 2021 U.S.
            Italy, during the men’s singles finals of the Miami Open tennis   Friday  night  over  Alcaraz  “Thanks for the support. You  Open,  when  he  derailed
            tournament, Sunday, April 2, 2023, in Miami Gardens, Fla.
                                                     Associated Press   in  the  semifinals  —  when  gave  me  a  lot  of  energy.  Novak Djokovic’s bid for a
                                                                      he  had  mild  cramping  in  Unfortunately,  I  couldn’t  Grand Slam.
            By MARC BERMAN               the year on Sunday, beat-    the  second  set  —  looking  play at my best.’’          Before a crowd that includ-
            Associated Press             ing Jannik Sinner 7-5, 6-3 for  to have taken a toll on the  Serving 5-6 in the first set, Sin-  ed  a  handful  of  celebri-
            MIAMI  GARDENS,  Fla.  (AP)  the Miami Open men’s sin-    21-year-old Italian.         ner didn’t have any dazzle  ties, including Jon Bon Jovi,
            —  Daniil  Medvedev  cap-    gles title and to move to 6-0  Sinner was visited by an ATP  left  and  played  a  ragged  Medvedev won the first 12
            tured  his  fourth  ATP  title  of  in their career matchup.  trainer midway through the  game as Medvedev broke  points on his serve. q
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