Page 7 - MIN TTC, JUNE 19 2015
P. 7
LOCALFriday 19 June 2015
Werner Family
Honored at the
Divi All-Inclusive
Beach Resort
DRUIF BEACH - Recently Pennsylvania. John and
the Aruba Tourism Author- Barbara love Aruba very
ity had the great pleasure much, because of the
of honoring a very nice friendly Aruban people, the
couple who are loyal and facilities at the Divi Resorts,
friendly visitors of Aruba at the climate, beaches, res-
the Divi All-inclusive Aruba, taurants and they love to
as Distinguished Visitors. meet every year with their
The symbolic honorary title lovely Aruban friends from
is presented in the name the Divi who treat them
of the Minister of Tourism like family. The certificate
as a token of appreciation was presented by Mr. Er-
to guests who visit Aruba nest Giel representing the
for 10-to-19 consecutive Aruba Tourism Authority
years. The honorees were together with staff mem-
Mr. John and Mrs. Barbara bers of the Divi All-inclusive
Werner from Allingtown, Beach Resort. q