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BUSINESS                 Friday 11 OctOber 2019

            European Central Bank minority opposed bond-buying stimulus

            FRANKFURT,  Germany  (AP)                                                                                           how  much  difference  an-
            —  European  Central  Bank                                                                                          other  blast  of  monetary
            officials  haggled  exten-                                                                                          support  will  make.  Many
            sively  over  several  parts  of                                                                                    bonds  issued  by  eurozone
            the  stimulus  package  de-                                                                                         governments,  for  instance,
            cided at their last meeting,                                                                                        trade  at  negative  interest
            with dissenters objecting to                                                                                        yields.
            bond purchases that pump                                                                                            Several  ECB  council  mem-
            newly created money into                                                                                            bers  have  publicly  ex-
            the economy.                                                                                                        pressed disagreement with
            The written account of the                                                                                          the  extent  of  the  stimulus
            meeting  released  Thurs-                                                                                           package backed by Presi-
            day  backed  up  recent                                                                                             dent Mario Draghi. They in-
            evidence  of  an  unusual                                                                                           cluded Klaas Knot from the
            amount of opposition to a                                                                                           Netherlands and Jens Wei-
            key  decision  at  the  Sept.                                                                                       dmann  of  Germany,  while
            12 meeting — divisions that                                                                                         German    official   Sabine
            could  be  a  challenge  for                                                                                        Lautenschlaeger,  a  mem-
            incoming  ECB  head  Chris-                                                                                         ber  of  the  top  six-member
            tine Lagarde.                                                                                                       executive  committee  that
            The  account  says  that  "all                                                                                      runs  the  bank  day  to  day,
            members"  agreed  on  the                                                                                           voiced opposition to bond
            need for some kind of ad-    The European Central Bank is seen next to the river Main in Frankfurt, Germany, late Wednesday,   purchases  ahead  of  the
            ditional  stimulus  for  the   Oct. 2, 2019.                                                                        meeting  and  resigned  af-
            19-country eurozone econ-                                                                          Associated Press  terward  -  more  than  two
            omy.                                                                                                                years before the end of her
            But "a number of members  The  25-member  governing  keep  rates  low  indefinitely  any rate cut.                  term - without publicly stat-
            assessed  the  case  for  re-  council in the end decided  until inflation is clearly com-  The  export-focused  euro-  ing a reason.
            newed  asset  purchases  as  by  "clear  majority"  to  start  ing  back  in  line  with  the  zone  economy  is  suffering  "It is not the first time in ECB
            not  sufficiently  strong,"  ac-  20 billion euros ($22 billion)  bank's  goal  of  just  under  a drop in growth due to the  history  that  there  have
            cording to the account.      in purchases a month and  2%.                             trade dispute between the  been  dissenting  voices  in
            The    dissident   members  to cut a key interest bench-  Some members pushed for  U.S. and China, among oth-       the  Governing  Council,
            were quoted as saying that  mark, the rate on deposits  a different wording for the  er  things.  Yet  with  market  but they have rarely been
            bond    purchases    would  the  ECB  takes  from  com-   interest  rate  promise  or  for  interest  rates  already  very  as  loud  and  persistent  as
            either  be  ineffective  or  mercial  banks,  to  minus  an  even  bigger  rate  cut  low  after  years  of  central  they are now," said Carsten
            should  be  held  back  as  a  0.5%  from  minus  0.4%.  The  but  without  the  bond  pur-  bank stimulus efforts, a de-  Brzeski, chief economist for
            last resort.                 bank  also  said  it  would  chases.  Others  opposed  bate has broken out about  Germany at ING.q

            Stocks move broadly higher on trade talk optimism

            By DAMIAN J. TROISE          Apple  and  Microsoft  led  KEEPING  SCORE:  The  S&P  a  concern  and  top  Euro-     officer  to  be  its  new  CEO
            Associated Press             the technology sector high-  500 rose 0.6% as of 10 a.m.  pean Central Bank officials  and  president.  Mark  Trit-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Stocks  er. The sector is particularly  Eastern  time.  The  Dow  are  united  over  the  need  ton,  a  30-year-retail  indus-
            moved  broadly  higher  in  sensitive to any news com-    Jones  Industrial  Average  for  more  economic  stimu-   try veteran, will assume the
            early trading Thursday as in-  ing  out  of  trade  negotia-  rose 157 points, or 0.6%, to  lus,  according  to  the  writ-  top role on Nov. 4 and suc-
            vestors wait to see whether  tions because many of the  26,501.  The  Nasdaq  rose  ten  account  of  their  last  ceed interim CEO Mary A.
            the  U.S.  and  China  make  companies  rely  on  China  0.7%.                         meeting.                     Winston.q
            any  progress  in  negotia-  for sales growth and supply  OVERSEAS:  Stocks  in  Eu-   Asian  markets  were  mixed
            tions aimed at ending their  chains.                      rope  edged  lower.  Britain  as the U.S. and China head
            ongoing trade war.           Bank  of  America  rose  said that economic growth  into  a  new  round  of  trade
            The  markets  were  encour-  1.6%  and  led  bank  stocks  held up in the three months  negotiations.
            aged  by  an  early  tweet  higher.  The  sector  bene-   through  August  and  it  will  FRESH  SHEETS:  Bed  Bath  &
            from    President   Donald  fited  rising  bond  yields  on  avoid running into a reces-  Beyond  surged  27%  after
            Trump  saying  that  China  a  report  showing  inflation  sion in the run-up to its exit  the struggling home goods
            wants  to  make  a  deal,  was  muted  in  September.  from  the  European  Union.  chain  named  Target's  for-
            though  he  did  not  say  Higher  yields  allow  banks  Economic  growth  remains  mer  chief  merchandising
            whether he was also willing  to  charge  more  lucrative
            to come to an agreement.     interest on loans.
            Envoys  from  each  nation  The  yield  on  the  10-year
            start  their  13th  round  of  Treasury rose to 1.63% from
            trade  negotiations  Thurs-  1.58% late Wednesday.
            day since the feud started  Energy  companies  bene-
            15  months  ago.  Markets  fited from a rise in crude oil
            have  been  jittery  all  week  prices.
            as investors continue to as-  Investors  backed  away
            sess the potential for a deal  from  safe-play  sectors  in
            amid  the  latest  escalation  another sign that they were
            from  the  U.S.  and  China's  feeling  optimistic  about
            recent  rifts  with  the  NBA  economic  growth.  Utilities
            and  U.S.  companies  over  and real estate companies
            free-speech issues.          fell.
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