P. 9

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Friday 20 OctOber 2017
                                                                                                                                  dOCTOR ON dUTY
                                                                                                                                         Dr. v. Trigt
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 582 2991
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                                                   TIME SHARE FOR SALE                   Dr. Linden v/d
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 584 6427
                                                                                                   Divi  Phoenix Resort
                                                                                                   1 bdrm Unit # 633 sleeps up to 6   EMERGENCIA 911
                                                                                                   peoples week 1 and 2. Have 37
                                                                                                   weeks left. deed
                                                                                                   Price $37,000 for 2 weeks.
                                                                                                   215 9067397                  POLICE           100
                                                                                                                                ORANJESTAD     527-3140
                                                                                                   _________________________________208098  NOORD       527-3200
                                                                                                   TIME SHARE FOR RENT          STA. CRUZ        527-2900
                                                                                                   Divi Phoenix                 SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
                                                                                                   one bedroom 2 full bath room #   POLICE TIPLINE    11141
                                                                                                   633 price $4500 for 2 weeks   FIRE DEPT.      115
                                                                                                                                FIRE DEPT.
                                                                                                   call or text 215 9067397     HOSPITAL         527-4000
                                                                                                   e-mail       DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
                                                                                                    ________________________________208196  AMBULANCE      582-1234
                                                                                                                                IMSAN            524-8833
                                                                                                   TIME SHARE FOR SALE          RED CROSS        582-2219
                                                                                                   Divi Phoenix
            This Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017 photo shows a replica four-legged All Terrain Armored Transport, or   one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps   Women in Difficulties
            AT-AT walker in Parma, Ohio. Owner Nick Meyer tells he used wood, hard foam   up to 6 people week 1 and 2   PHARMACY
            and plastic barrels. He says he enjoys the “Star Wars” movies but isn’t a fanatic and simply thought   have 37 weeks left price $37000   Oranjestad:
            the display would be unique.                                                                                        Kibrahacha Tel. 583 4908
                                                                    (Patrick Cooley/The PDC via AP)  for 2 weeks
                                                                                                       San Nicolas
            In Time for Halloween:                                                                 or call 215 9067397 Mrs Lydia   Aloe Tel. 584 4606

            2-story ‘Star Wars’ AT-AT replica in yard a hit                                         ________________________________208196  INFORMATION   118
                                                                                                   Timeshare For Sale / Rent
                                                                                                   wk 50 12/16   12/23          TAXI-TAS      587-5900
            By DAKE KANG                 Local   media     attention  to the stern of a pirate ship   Sale  at divi Golf unit 2314,   PROF. TAXI   588-0035
            Associated Press             catapulted    the   display  jutting  out  from  his  front   studio 3500$ and week 44   TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
            PARMA,  Ohio  (AP)  —  A     into fame, drawing droves  porch. He tears them down      divi Village 10/29 For sale/rent    SERVICE AUA   583-3232
                                                                                                                                A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            two-story,   “Star   Wars”-  of  visitors  from  dawn  to  in  November  and  drinks   email:                           280-2828
            inspired  Halloween  yard    dusk.  At  least  three  dozen  beers  with  a  friend  when   5086510016                  crUiSe SHiP
            display  in  Ohio  is  enticing   spectators  drove  by  to  dreaming  up  the  next   ________________________________208363
            kids  to  get  toy  lightsabers   gawk and take selfies one  year’s display.
            and  attracting  hundreds    Wednesday       afternoon.  Meyer and his wife, Becky,
            of  visitors  from  across  the   Among  them  was  Nicole  say  Halloween  is  their
            state.  Elevator  mechanic   Drake, 26, who was on her  favorite holiday.
            Nick  Meyer,  39,  spent     way home from work when  “The        creepiness,    the                                         October 22
            about $1,500 and 10 hours    the replica caught her eye.  decorating,  being  able  to                                       Freewinds
            a weekend for half a year    “I  just  had  to  stop  by,”  dress  up  and  pretend  to
            to  build  a  replica  of  the   Drake said. “I was amazed.  be a kid still — it keeps me                           Aruba Airport   524-2424
            four-legged    All   Terrain   It’s actually the size of their  young,” Nick Meyer said.                            American Airlines 582-2700
            Armored  Transport,  or  AT-  house.” Meyer said he has  “We  like  to  do  it  up  big  if                         Avianca       588-0059
            AT walker. He built it with his   built   attention-grabbing  we  can,”  his  wife  said.  “I                       Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            carpenter  friend  Anthony   Halloween  displays  for  six  just  so  happened  to  find                            Jet Blue      588-2244
            Paroda, and it’s been such   years  running,  from  an  a  husband  that  loves  it                                 Venezolana    583-7674
            a  success  that  spectators   Addams Family mausoleum  too.”q                                                      Aruba Foundation
            are  donating  money  for                                                                                           For those Visually Incapasitated
            them  to  build  another                                                                                            Tel. 582-5051
            display next year.                                                                                                  AL-ANON group
            At  19  feet,  the  replica  is                                                                                     Sabana Liber #8, Noord
            nearly  as  tall  as  Meyer’s                                                                                       Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
            home      in   Parma,    a                                                                                          FUNDACIONS
            Cleveland    suburb.   The                                                                                          Respetami
            cockpit of the AT-AT walker                                                                                         Tel. 582-4433
            is  outfitted  with  lights  that
            glow  red  at  night,  and  a                                                                                       Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524-8888
            mannequin  fashioned  to
            resemble  a  “Star  Wars”                                                                                           Narcotics Anonymous
            Stormtrooper soldier stands                                                                                         Tel. 583-8989
            guard in front.                                                                                                     QUOTA Club
            Meyer  said  he  built  it  with                                                                                    Tel. 525-2672
            plywood,  hard  foam  and
            plastic  barrels  and  based                                                                                        Women in Difficulties
            the  design  off  a  toy  he                                                                                        Foundation
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-5400
            bought online.
            “We’re  both  pretty  crafty,                                                                                       Bloodbank Aruba
            but it’s not rocket science,”                                                                                       Tel. 587-0002
            Meyer said. “You just gotta
            be willing to do it.”
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