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WORLD NEWSTuesday 26 May 2015

Suriname elections to decide government for next 5 years

Suriname’s President Desi Bouterse speaks with journalists at the presidential cabinet office in                                 nically diverse country of     der international pressure
Paramaribo, Suriname. Bouterse is betting that the Monday, May 25, 2015 election to choose the                                   about 550,000 people.          he allowed the return of
South American country’s next Parliament will keep him and his party in power for another five                                   Bouterse promised a land-      civilian rule in 1987, only to
years.                                                                                                                           slide victory in Monday’s      launch a second coup in
                                                                                                                                 election. His party needs      1990. His strategic coalition-
                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Edward Troon)  a two-thirds majority of 34    building with former po-
                                                                                                                                 seats in Parliament for him    litical enemies got him the
PARAMARIBO, Suriname          him and his party in power      military dictator of Suri-                                         to be automatically re-        presidency in 2010. Some
(AP) — Suriname’s Presi-      for another five years.         name twice after leading                                           elected as party leader        of those old alliances frac-
dent Desi Bouterse is bet-    Most recent polls conduct-      coups and has been con-                                            without forging a coalition.   tured in recent years, but
ting that Monday general      ed in Suriname give a com-      victed in absentia of drug                                         Bouterse’s biggest rival is    recent polls have indicat-
elections to choose the       fortable majority to Bout-      trafficking, but was elected                                       Chan Santokhi, a former        ed Bouterse remains popu-
South American country’s      erse’s National Democratic      democratically in 2010 to                                          justice minister who leads     lar. But he is dogged by old
next Parliament will keep     Party. The 69-year-old was      his current term in the eth-                                       a new opposition coali-        allegations of corruption.
                                                                                                                                 tion that calls itself the V7  Convicted of drug traffick-
                                                                                                                                 alliance. Santokhi and his     ing in absentia in 1999 in
                                                                                                                                 coalition accuse the gov-      the Netherlands, he was
                                                                                                                                 ernment of corruption and      sentenced to 11 years but
                                                                                                                                 such bad financial mis-        avoided that punishment
                                                                                                                                 management that public         because Suriname doesn’t
                                                                                                                                 debt has increased from        have an extradition treaty
                                                                                                                                 roughly $295 million in 2010   with its former colonial ruler.
                                                                                                                                 to $1.7 billion now.           Since 2010, he has also had
                                                                                                                                 Bouterse has loomed over       immunity as head of state.
                                                                                                                                 Surinamese politics for de-    Earlier this year, a U.S. judge
                                                                                                                                 cades. He first came to        sentenced Bouterse’s son
                                                                                                                                 power in 1980, when he led     Dino to serve over 16 years
                                                                                                                                 a coup that saw the consti-    in prison after he admitted
                                                                                                                                 tution suspended and Par-      that he offered a home
                                                                                                                                 liament dissolved just five    base in Suriname to the
                                                                                                                                 years after independence       Lebanese militant group
                                                                                                                                 from the Netherlands. Un-      Hezbollah. q

Mexico officials stand by account of deadly ranch shootout

E. CASTILLO                   state. Officials say the fight  copter, killing eight soldiers.                                    rived, the death toll might    on the bodies of the victims
Associated Press              began when police offi-         Families of some of the men                                        have been different.”          showed they had been
MORELIA, Mexico (AP) —        cers came under fire while      killed on Friday told The As-                                      National Security Commis-      shot “from a considerable
Mexican officials stood by    responding to a report of       sociated Press that after                                          sioner Monte Alejandro         distance ... dozens of me-
their account Monday of a     armed men taking over the       viewing the remains of their                                       Rubido said at a news con-     ters (yards),” ruling out any-
shootout that killed 42 sus-  Rancho del Sol, in Ecuan-       loved ones, they doubted                                           ference later Monday that      body having been finished
pected criminals and one      dureo, a township near the      the official account.                                              the helicopter had been hit    off at close range.
federal police officer last   border with Jalisco state.      Relatives gathered at a lo-                                        three times by bullets from    An official from Michoacan
week, dismissing questions    It was the deadliest such       cal morgue said one body                                           an AR-15 assault rifle.        state, who spoke on condi-
raised about the lopsided     confrontation in recent         was missing an eye and                                             Authorities detained three     tion of anonymity because
death toll.                   memory and followed two         had facial bruising, another                                       people and confiscated         he was not authorized to
“There was not one single     deadly clashes in the area      had its teeth knocked in-                                          38 semi-automatic weap-        talk to the press, said all the
execution, I can say that     controlled by the power-        ward.                                                              ons, two smaller arms, a       dead were men and most
categorically,” Enrique       ful Jalisco New Generation      Another had a gunshot in                                           grenade launcher and a         died from gunfire.
Galindo, head of Mexico’s     cartel: The gang is blamed      the top of the head.                                               .50-caliber rifle. They had    Rubido said the three men
federal police, told local    for an ambush that killed 15    Galindo said a helicopter                                          initially said they seized 40  arrested were “the only
media.                        state police officers in April  gunship had participated                                           weapons.                       three who when told to sur-
The 42 men died Friday dur-   and for a May 1 attack in       in the shootout and that its                                       Speaking to the television     render, did so.
ing a three-hour gun battle   which a rocket launcher         role had been decisive. “If                                        network Televisa earlier       The others refused and
on a ranch in Michoacan       shot down an army heli-         the helicopter had not ar-                                         Monday, Rubido said tests      continued shooting.”q
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