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U.S. NEWS Saturday 18 July 2020
Military medics deploy in California, Texas as virus surges
Continued from Front people, have been follo-
wing the “new normal” gui-
They also include a man- delines, so the county nee-
date that students above ded another enforcement
2nd grade and all staff tool.
wear masks in school. At least half of the 50 sta-
Texas gave public schools tes have adopted requi-
permission to keep campu- rements for wearing face
ses closed for more than 5 coverings.
million students well into the But in Georgia, Gov. Brian
fall. Under the new guideli- Kemp has banned cities
nes, schools can hold onli- and counties from requiring
ne-only instruction for up to face coverings. He sued
the first eight weeks of the Atlanta late Thursday to
school year, potentially pu- prevent it from defying his
shing a return to campus in order, but Atlanta Mayor
some cities until November. Keisha Lance Bottoms said
Most Chicago children she was prepared to go to
would return to the class- court to maintain the local
room two days a week and mask requirement.
spend the other three days Worldwide, governments
learning remotely once the are frantically trying to
school year begins under a prevent and control fresh
tentative plan outlined by United Memorial Medical Center's Dr. Joseph Varon, right, talks with military members of the Urban outbreaks and keep their
officials from the nation’s Augmentation Medical Task Force Thursday, July 16, 2020, in Houston. Associated Press economies running as the
third-largest school district. pandemic accelerates in
A final decision about in- deaths has risen 34% from ten portable storage coo- community spread,” he some regions and threa-
person instruction for fall two weeks ago, while the lers and ordered more to said. “Almost all of it I can’t tens to come roaring back
classes for the district’s case count in that period handle an influx of bodies control.” in others. Globally, con-
more than 300,000 students shot up 43%. — reminiscent of New York In Florida, Miami-Dade firmed cases numbered
won’t come until late Au- Florida reported 128 new City at the height of the County’s commission gave more than 13.8 million Fri-
gust. deaths Friday and 11,345 pandemic there. code and fire inspectors day and COVID-19 deaths
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds an- new cases. In South Carolina, some authority to issue tickets of totaled more than 590,000.
nounced she would over- Texas reported 10,000 new hospitals are being squee- up to $100 for individuals To cope with the pande-
ride local school districts cases for the third straight zed: The number of pa- and $500 for businesses not mic’s fallout, the United
and require students to day Thursday and 129 ad- tients hospitalized with CO- complying with guidelines Nations said it is increasing
spend at least half of their ditional deaths. California VID-19 is increasing rapidly, to wear masks and practi- to $10.3 billion its appeal for
schooling in classrooms. reported its largest two-day while nurses and other wor- ce social distancing. Police humanitarian aid.
Her proclamation drew im- total of confirmed cases, kers are also getting infec- officers already had this en- Jens Laerke, a spokesman
mediate criticism from the nearly 20,000, along with ted when they are off work, forcement power. for the U.N. Office for the
state teachers union. 258 deaths over 48 hours. said Dr. Wendell James, a “We’re going to put a heck Coordination of Humanita-
Several states have been There were signs across senior vice president with of a lot of people out the- rian Affairs, said in Geneva
reporting record numbers the Sunbelt that the virus Prisma Health who is based re,” said Mayor Carlos Gi- that the number of people
this week, contributing to a was stretching authorities’ in Greenville. menez. “Our people are who need assistance has
surge in the national death capacity to respond. The “The majority of the illness going to go everywhere.” more than doubled during
rate. The seven-day rol- medical examiner’s office we see in our nursing staffs Gimenez said that too few the pandemic to about 250
ling average for daily new in metro Phoenix has got- and our support staff is people, especially younger million. q
Justice Ginsburg says cancer has
returned, but won’t retire
By MARK SHERMAN and two weeks "to keep my right. Ginsburg's history with
JESSICA GRESKO cancer at bay." "I have of- cancer goes back more
Associated Press ten said I would remain a than 20 years. In addition
WASHINGTON (AP) — Jus- member of the Court as to being treated without
tice Ruth Bader Ginsburg long as I can do the job full surgery for a tumor on her
said Friday she is receiving steam. I remain fully able to pancreas last year, she
chemotherapy for a recur- do that," Ginsburg said in also underwent surgery for
rence of cancer, but has a statement issued by the colorectal cancer in 1999,
no plans to retire from the court. pancreatic cancer in 2009
Supreme Court. Ginsburg, who was ap- and lung cancer in De- In this Feb. 10, 2020, file photo U.S. Supreme Court Associate
The 87-year-old Ginsburg, pointed by President Bill cember 2018. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg speaks during a discussion on the
who has had four earlier Clinton in 1993, is the senior Dr. Alan Venook, a pan- 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment at
bouts with cancer includ- liberal justice on a court creatic cancer specialist at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington.
ing pancreatic cancer last that leans conservative by the University of California, Associated Press
year, said her treatment so a 5-4 margin. Her depar- San Francisco, who is not liver. On average, patients cur from her initial pancre-
far has succeeded in re- ture before the election involved in Ginsburg's care, with advanced pancre- atic cancer surgery in 2009
ducing lesions on her liver could give President Don- said that "clearly, she's got atic cancer live about a and previous treatments
and she will continue che- ald Trump the chance to incurable disease now" be- year, but the fact that her "suggests that it's not been
motherapy sessions every shift the court further to the cause of the spread to her disease took so long to re- growing rapidly," he said. q