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                                                                                        December 31, 2019
                                                                                         T: 582-7800

                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            3 years in, no sign of Trump's replacement for Obamacare

            By  A.  MADHANI  and  R.                                                                                            for  Medicare  and  Med-
            ALONSO-ZALDIVAR                                                                                                     icaid  Services  during  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Obama       administration.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  As                                                                                             He's  "deepening  their  fear
            a  candidate  for  the  White                                                                                       of what they have to lose."
            House,  Donald  Trump  re-                                                                                          White  House  officials  ar-
            peatedly  promised  that                                                                                            gue  that  the  president  is
            he  would  "immediately"                                                                                            improving  the  health  care
            replace  President  Barack                                                                                          system in other ways, with-
            Obama's  health  care  law                                                                                          out   dismantling   private
            with a plan of his own that                                                                                         health  care.  White  House
            would  provide  "insurance                                                                                          spokesman  Judd  Deere
            for everybody." Back then,                                                                                          noted  Trump's  signing  of
            Trump  made  it  sound  that                                                                                        the  "Right-to-Try"  act  that
            his plan — "much less expen-                                                                                        allows  some  patients  fac-
            sive and much better" than                                                                                          ing  life-threatening  diseas-
            the Affordable Care Act —                                                                                           es  to  access  unapproved
            was imminent.  And he put                                                                                           treatment,  revamping  the
            drug companies on notice                                                                                            U.S.  kidney  donation  sys-
            that their pricing power no   In this Dec. 24, 2019 photo, President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media following a   tem  and  the  FDA  approv-
            longer would be "politically   Christmas Eve video teleconference with members of the military at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm   ing  more  generic  drugs  as
            protected."  Nearly  three   Beach, Fla.                                                                            key  improvements.  Trump
            years  after  taking  office,                                                                      Associated Press  has  also  launched  a  drive
            Americans  still  are  waiting  up on Trump's watch, rising  lion  people,  according  to  ends  up  frightening  more  to  end  the  HIV/AIDS  epi-
            for Trump's big health insur-  in  2018  for  the  first  time  in  the  Census  Bureau.  "Every  people,"  said  Andy  Slavitt,  demic.
            ance reveal. Meantime the  nearly a decade to 8.5% of  time Trump utters the words  who  served  as  acting  ad-
            uninsured  rate  has  gone  the population, or 27.5 mil-  ACA  or  Obamacare,  he  ministrator  of  the  Centers            Continued on Page 3
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