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                  Tuesday 15 OcTOber 2024
            Kenya relocates 50 elephants to a larger park. A sign poaching is

            under control, officials say

            By NICHOLAS KOMU                                                                                                    lookout for elephants, and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    a  veterinarian  with  a  tran-
            MWEA, Kenya (AP) — As a                                                                                             quilizer gun.
            helicopter  hovers  close  to                                                                                       Once  an  elephant  is  se-
            an  elephant,  trying  to  be                                                                                       dated,  a  ground  team  of
            as  steady  as  possible,  an                                                                                       veterinary  specialists  and
            experienced  veterinarian                                                                                           rangers  rush  to  find  it  and
            cautiously takes aim.                                                                                               clear thickets to make way
            A tranquilizer dart whoosh-                                                                                         for transport crews. Its vitals
            es in the air, and within min-                                                                                      are  monitored  as  another
            utes the giant mammal sur-                                                                                          group  of  rangers  works  on
            renders to a deep slumber                                                                                           lifting  the  massive  animal,
            as teams of wildlife experts                                                                                        weighing  hundreds  of  ki-
            rush  to  measure  its  vitals                                                                                      lograms,  onto  specialized
            and ensure it’s doing ok.                                                                                           trucks,  to  be  driven  120  ki-
            Kenya  is  suffering  from  a                                                                                       lometers  (74  miles)  to  their
            problem,  albeit  a  good                                                                                           new home.
            one:  the  elephant  popu-                                                                                          Kanga,  the  wildlife  service
            lation  in  the  42-square-                                                                                         director,  said  the  reloca-
            kilometer  (16-square-mile)                                                                                         tion also aimed at curbing
            Mwea  National  Reserve,                                                                                            human-wildlife conflict.
            east of the capital Nairobi,                                                                                        Boniface Mbau, a resident
            has flourished from its maxi-                                                                                       of the area, said: “We are
            mum  capacity  of  50  to  a   Members of the public watch as Kenya Wildlife Service rangers and capture team release five   very  happy  that  the  gov-
            whopping 156, overwhelm-     elephants at Aberdare National Park, located in central Kenya, Monday, Oct. 14, 2024.   ernment  has  decided  to
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            ing the ecosystem and re-                                                                                           reduce  the  number  of  el-
            quiring  the  relocation  of  thrive,” Kanga said.        phants on Monday, saying:  A  fixed-wing  aircraft  con-  ephants from the area.
            about  100  of  the  largest  Experts  started  relocating  “This will go down in history  ducted  aerial  surveillance  Due to their high numbers,
            land  animals.  It  hosted  49  50  elephants  last  week  to  as a record, as it is the big-  to  track  down  herds  of  el-  they did not have enough
            elephants in 1979.           the  expansive  780-square-  gest exercise of its kind. It is  ephants,  which  naturally  food  in  the  reserve,  and
            According  to  the  Kenya  kilometer (301-square-mile)  the first time we are witness-  move  in  small  families  of  they  ended  up  invading
            Wildlife  Service  Director  Aberdare  National  Park  in  ing  the  translocation  of  50  about five. The craft was in  our farms.”
            General Erustus Kanga, the  central  Kenya.  As  of  Mon-  elephants at a go.”         constant  communication  A  second  phase  to  relo-
            overpopulation  in  Mwea  day,  44  elephants  had  The  process  started  at  with  two  helicopters  used  cate  50  other  elephants  is
            highlighted  the  success  of  been  moved  from  Mwea  dawn and involved a team  to  herd  and  separate  the  planned, but the date has
            conservation  efforts  over  to Aberdare, with six others  of  more  than  100  wildlife  elephants  to  ensure  they  not been disclosed.
            the last three decades.      scheduled for Tuesday.       specialists, with equipment  were  relocated  with  their  The  project  has  cost  at
            “This  shows  that  poaching  Tourism  Minister  Rebecca  ranging  from  specially  fit-  family units.             least 12 million Kenyan shil-
            has  been  low  and  the  el-  Miano  oversaw  the  trans-  ted  trucks  to  aircraft  and  Aboard  one  of  the  heli-  lings  ($93,000),  the  wildlife
            ephants have been able to  location  of  five  of  the  ele-  cruisers.                copters is a spotter, on the  agency said.q

             Nile basin nations say water-sharing accord has come into force

             without Egypt’s backing

            By RODNEY MUHUMUZA           deposited  its  ratification  testament to our collective  generations to come,” the  tary of the Nile River. Egypt
            Associated Press             documents  with  the  Afri-  determination  to  harness  Nile  Basin  Initiative  said  in  fears  the  dam  will  have  a
            KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) —  can Union.                        the Nile River for the benefit  its statement. “This is a mo-  devastating  effect  on  wa-
            A  regional  partnership  of  The  accord,  which  came  of all, ensuring its equitable  ment  to  congratulate  the  ter  and  irrigation  supplies
            10 countries says an agree-  into force on Sunday, “is a  and  sustainable  use  for  governments  and  people  downstream  unless  Ethio-
            ment on the equitable use                                                              of  the  Nile  riparian  coun-  pia takes its needs into ac-
            of water resources from the                                                            tries,  and  all  partners  and  count. Ethiopia plans to use
            Nile  River  basin  has  come                                                          stakeholders,  for  their  pa-  the dam to generate badly
            into  force  despite  the  no-                                                         tience,  resolve,  and  dedi-  needed electricity.
            table opposition of Egypt.                                                             cation to this cause.”       The  accord’s  rights  clause
            The legal status of the “co-                                                           The  lack  of  ratification  by  states that Nile basin states
            operative  framework”  was                                                             Egypt  and  Sudan    desert  “shall  in  their  respective
            formally  confirmed  by  the                                                           nations  that  have  raised  territories  utilize  the  water
            African  Union  after  South                                                           concern over any attempts  resources  of  the  Nile  River
            Sudan  joined  the  treaty,                                                            to  diminish  their  shares  of  system in an equitable and
            the Nile Basin Initiative said                                                         Nile water  means the ac-    reasonable manner.”
            in a statement Sunday.                                                                 cord  will  prove  controver-  Measuring  6,695  kilometers
            Ethiopia,  Uganda,  Rwan-                                                              sial.                        (4160 miles), the Nile is the
            da,  Burundi  and  Tanzania                                                            Tensions in the region have  longest  river  in  the  world,
            have  ratified  the  accord.                                                           increased,   stemming    in  with  one  tributary,  the
            Egypt and Sudan declined     A  fisherman’s  boat  sails  along  the  River  Nile  in  Cairo,  Egypt,   part  from  Ethiopia’s  con-  White Nile, starting in South
            to  sign,  while  Congo  ab-  Saturday, Sept. 3, 2011.                                 struction of a $4 billion dam  Sudan  and  the  other,  the
            stained. Kenya has not yet                                            Associated Press  on the Blue Nile, a key tribu-  Blue Nile, in Ethiopia.q
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