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Saturday 11 March 2017
Aruba Marriott CARE Foundation Actively Giving Back to Our Community
ORANJESTAD - Aruba Mar- Resort & Stellaris Casino, Surf Club and AHATA spent Janchi. The area had a Besides clean-ups, Aruba
riott CARE Foundation re- Marriott’s Aruba Ocean the morning cleaning the lot trash but the team was Marriott CARE Foundation
cently organized a chari- Club y Marriott’s Aruba neighborhood of Sero able to clean this up, ac- provides assistance to local
table afternoon on valen- cumulating a full container foundations and organiza-
tine’s day where members of 20 feet of garbage and tions within the community
of Aruba Marriott CARE more than 30 tires. in terms of painting and
Foundation made special renovating facilities and
visits to elderly homes; San they also do charitable ac-
Pedro in Oranjestad, Huize tivities such as the one on
Maris Stella in Savaneta Valentine’s Day.
and Centro di Cuido in San Aruba Marriott CARE Foun-
Nicolas, to give out valen- dation counts on the sup-
tine’s day cupcakes to the port of about 650 associ-
residents. The volunteers ates who donate every
are members of the Aruba month from their own sala-
Marriott CARE Foundation ries to provide the Aruba
who are also associates of Marriott CARE founda-
the Aruba Marriott Resort & tion with the funds to give
Stellaris Casino, Marriott’s back to the community
Aruba Ocean Club y Mar- in the form of charity. The
riott’s Aruba Surf Club who foundation receives and
took time from their work to evaluates each donation
share the love by handing
out 300 cupcakes on a very request that comes in and
special day. The volunteers choose those that fit best
felt very happy to be part with the company’s phi-
of this heartfelt experience losophy.
and spend some quality
time with the elderly while Continued on page 14
giving back to the com-
munity of Aruba. A special
thank you to All Starz Tours
for supporting this initiative
by offering complimentary
transportation for the vol-
Additionally on 23 Febru-
ary 2017, members of the
Aruba Marriott CARE Foun-
dation together with as-
sociates of Aruba Marriott