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Posibilidad ta grandi cu
Hulanda lo por cambia debe
di estudio di Euro pa Dollar

ORANJESTAD (AAN) – Hulanda, si por cambia esaki BEAUTY IS IN THE EYES OF THE DESIGNER. With all due respect, but the MFA building in Noord is in-
Tin indicacion cu Hulanda ta di Euro pa Dollar, pa motibo credibly out of place, with motley-brown coloring, and an uncommon structure silhouette with a flipped front and
contemplando pa cambia e cu ora el a cuminza su estudio spindly columns. We know it was designed to simply provide cushy, air-conditioned employment to loyal voters
pago di e debe di estudio di e balor di Euro tabata mas in the district. If you had used the money to refurbish schools and facelift Noord’s Centro di Bario you would have
Euro pa Dollar. abao pero den e transcurso put public funds to better use. I would have traded the MFA in a heartbeat against the Rio Grande Rum Shop. Here,
Den conferencia di prensa, di e añanan di estudio esaki a demolish this modular cube thing. Hands off the rum shop. Also on Malmokweg some developer with deep pockets
Parlamentario mr. Desiree subi, y e ex-studiante ta haya has been refurbishing a villa, en route to Tierra del Sol, with not just one but fourteen half-naked Roman Vestal
Croes, di fraccion di AVP, a su mes na final di su estudio virgins in the front yard. The complete structure is festooned with white quartz wall cladding panels. The virgins
toca e punto aki tambe. paga doble di locual el a fia na have no function, they just stand there, one arm pressed between their boobies, looking coy. Wait a minute, I just
Pa Januari proximo nan lo cuminzamento. realized, with that decor they might be opening a brothel on my street. On the oceanfront at L.G. Smith Boulevard,
haya mas informacion riba Pero si ta na dollar e ta keda new construction just recently received a name. The fancy structure, probably a gorgeous boutique hotel, bears the
esaki, cu tambe ta na bienestar na un cambio stabil cu no por name Marined. Since I didn’t get it, I checked the dictionary, Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published
di nos ex-studiantenan y e fluctua mas na caminda den 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co. reports that Marined means having the lower part of the body like a fish. I am not
hecho cu por habri un cuenta desventaha di e studiante. El making this up.
na Aruba mes ta haci menos a enfatiza cu tur e cambionan
e costonan na banco, ya cu aki, conhuntamente, lo haci WELCOME BACK. We happily welcome Louella Brezovar back to Aruba. Currently the General Manager of
e persona por paga DOU for mas facil pa e debe wordo the Curacao Marriott, Louella is joining the Ladies & Gentlemen of the Ritz Carlton as the GM of that resort’s
di su mes banco cu ta mucho paga pa nos ex-studiantenan. casino. Louella enjoyed a successful career here in various top management positions at the Hyatt Regency, the
mas facil. E parlamentario a subraya Radisson Aruba Resort & Casino and the Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino, before heading out to Curacao as the
Parlamentario mr. Desiree cu DOU mes a ripara cu nan General Manager of her own resort. She is returning home with Ross and kids, and we hear mom, Sheila Lampe,
Croes a subraya cu tur e tin hopi problema pa haya e is over the moon with joy, at the thought of having her lovely daughter back on native soil.
peticionnan cu Aruba a haci fianza di estudio back. Tin
tocante e asunto di fianza di debenan cu e suma ta casi FOOD FOR THOUGHT. We were offered tickets for last week’s EPI School holiday buffet at the Hospitality &
estudio, Hulanda a pega nan e prijs di un cas, y door di Tourism Faculty. The graduating class was preparing a festive extravaganza as their final exam and lots of people
na otro y e ta spera cu pa e aña e fluctuacion di e Euro e ta from the community paid for their tickets to attend the event at the school, watch their mini-chefs in action, and
cu ta bin nan por duna nos ex- aumenta. Pero si hacie na enjoy their expert cooking. The kids looked adorable in their chef’s jackets, they were all excited, and anxious to
studiantenan mas bon noticia. dollar, no tin e fluctuacion aki get this thing done and over with, after all final exams are nerve-racking. The long buffet was incredibly decorated
El a menciona cu ta mas y e studiante por tin un mihor with edible carved flowers and watermelon boats. So no longer fashionable, out of date, and so passé! There was a
conveniente pa e persona bista tambe riba su saldo. great assortment of terrines, pates and festive aspic covered logs, and medallions, a Mediterranean corner and some
cu tin debe di estudio cu hot dishes, prepared by the under-graduating class. Of course, a nice assortment of desserts. What we saw on the
buffet could have been prepared by Julia Child in the 1960s. The menu featured so-called classic buffet specialties,
ULTIMO ORA most of them glazed with chau-froid sauce, a silly thing that went out of style with the teleprinter. We thought we
were in a time machine. As far as I know, chefs today believe in minimal manipulation. They let the quality of the
Cantidad di cliente di cafe como rehen di product shine. In the Julia Child days, some traditional French Cooking specialties were adored and revered be-
cause the freshness of ingredients was not always guaranteed. So they minced and ground and molded and encased
militante islamico na Sydney everything in Gelatin because the product by itself was not good enough. But with today’s abundant availability,
should the students take a full year to learn to pulverize and mutilate food until the original product is no longer
SYDNEY/ e pais unda preparacionnan ta recognizable? Ask any executive chef: What we saw on the buffet at EPI was old-school, it had nothing to do with
O R A N J E S TA D ( A A N ) - - ser haci pa dianan di fiesta di the type of gourmet dishes offered by professional culinary brigades this Christmas, at our hotels. And don’t get me
Ayera anochi net prome cu Pasco. wrong, it was all tasty, the kids did great, but why dedicated a full year of studies to something they will hardly use?
a cera e edicion aki tabata na September polis anti I get it. For the sake of their classical training. But why one year? A few weeks is plenty.
tin e noticia for di Sydney, terorismo a stroba un intento
capital di Australia di un di decapitacion di un peaton THE SALAMANDER RETAIL GROUP REPAIRS THE WORLD. Three very successful events unfolded over
homber arma cu tincantidad den caya y algun dia despues the last days, produced by the Salamander Retail Group. The first event at Caribbean Queen, Palm Beach Plaza
di cliente di un cafe como un teenager na Melbourne a Mall, was heartwarming and touching when not for profit organizations were applauded for their tireless work on
rehen y cu segun television, e wordo tira mata despues di a behalf of the community and given generous donations. The second event at T.H. Palm & Company, street side at
rehennan ta ser forza pa tene ataca dos agente anti Playa Linda Beach Resort, was the 11th annual Girls Night Out, a fun customer appreciation party over desserts and
dilanti bentana un bandera Momento cu e caso di toma champagne. The third event brought people together for wine , cheese and holiday cheer, at Caribbean Queen with
preto cu blanco cu letternan di rehen aki tabata tumando a live transmission by Magic 96.5FM. Rent a Chef’s Bas Kuuestra catered two affairs deliciously, as I told you
arabe. Segun prome ministro lugar tabata casi merdia before, he is incredible. What makes The Salamander Retail Group special is the vision of its leader, Jodi Tobman,
Tony Abbott cu a adverti di y e area ta cas di Banco who turned charity into a way of life, not just once a year, not just in honor of the holiday, but year round, every
plannan militante di atake di Reserva Australiano, day. Clients get asked with every purchase they make which foundation they would like to support under the Tikkun
riba blanconan australiano, banconan comercial y cera Olam, Repair of the World, program. The diligent Salamander associates work every day to repair the world and
tin indicacion cu e situacion di parlamento di estado New once a year, they hand out checks, collected client by client, as a percentage from every sale. This is a company-
di rehen aki na Lindt Cafe ta South Wales. wide program, and it has been embraced by all associates, in good times, and not so great times. That’s what makes
politicamente motiva. E cafe ta keda net dilanti un it so special, the Salamander associates have abandoned the whiney me-me-me culture in favor of a solid social
Australia ta un aliado di studio comercial di television conscience. I hope with time, Jodi will inspire more members of the business community with her thinking, which
Merca den lucha contra Isis y por a mira grabacionnan in turn will inspire their employees to live charity every day.
na Siria y Irak ta riba alerta unda hendenan den e cafe
halto basta tempo pa evita tabata para cu nan mannan PROUD TO REPORT. Patrick Sydow gave a great performance in the recent Eddie Herr international tennis
militantenan australiano cu primi contra bentananan. A tournament in Bradenton, Florida, in preparation for the world famous Orange Bowl this weekend in Miami and
a bolbe di medio oriente di ripara cu dos di e personanan reached the semi finals in the 2,000 competitors / 96 countries tournament by winning 4 important matches against
comete atakenan. cu bandera blanco y preto den two top Japanese players, a USA champ, and a Brazilian ace. We are very proud that Patrick, says his dad Franz
Te na momento cu a bay e cafe ta un miembro di staff Sydow, he is now among the best players in the world in his sub 14 category.
imprimi e edicion aki polis y un otro muher.
no tabata tin contacto cu e Esnan cu no a sigui e informe SHOPPING GALORE. I went shopping this week for a fashion editorial shoot for Island Temptations Magazine
persona cu tin e clientenan aki mas o menos mey anochi and I am reporting my findings: The new Mango is stocked. When in doubt get the long red dress. It’s gorgeous.
di e cafe como rehen. A ser ayera, sigur awe lo haya tur On the second floor Violeta by MANGO, a new line available now in Aruba targets young women in sizes 40 to 52
menciona cu tin 10 empleado e informacionnan como cu with clothes designed to be comfortable, feminine and modern. You will love the European shopping experience at
den e establecimento y mas o esaki a bira noticia mundial Mango. They spent a lot of money on the decor and layout, and it shows. Across the street at Caribbean Clothing
menos 30 cliente pero esaki mes ora. Company you will find one of a kind fashions, with a lot of gorgeous stuff in black & white. At Cotton & Silk at
segun calculacionnan. the end of the main street, a new fabric store some gorgeous rolls await you, as in get a few yards and head to the
Edificionan den vecindario seamstress. The store, by Melony Croes Paesch also stocks some handmade jewelry. More next week!
cu ta keda den parti central
comercial di Sydney a wordo IN MY NEXT LIFE. I am coming back as a WEB employee. Out utility company threw an over-the-top party for
evacua mientras cu e noticia its employees at the Marriott Ballroom themed Carnival, with Double R, the finest band from Curacao. I feel like
aki a trece olanan di shock den I paid for it.
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