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 LOCALMonday 19 February 2018

Groceries To Go Aruba is for Everyone:

Shop Online and We Deliver Groceries Right To You!

                                                                vWe do all the shopping for     you upon arrival, as well as  one living or staying on the
                                                                them so they don't have         order from us anytime dur-    island who are unable to,
                                                                to take a day away from         ing your stay here in Aruba.  or simply would rather not
                                                                their stay in Aruba to shop     Our motto is “Save Time,      grocery shop themselves.
                                                                for food, beverages, and        Grocery Shop Online”www.      In addition to providing
                                                                essentials while they are       the most affordable and
                                                                here. We deliver everything     “Our mission is to provide    convenient service to our
                                                                to them wherever they are       quality products and con-     customers, Groceries To Go
                                                                staying. It is so easy to go    venient services to our cus-  Aruba provides the highest
                                                                to our website www.Gro-         tomers that will allow them   quality customer service.
                                                                                                more time to enjoy their      “We take the hassle out of
                                                           ,       vacation and the wonders      shopping in store, while still
                                                                click on all the items you      of Aruba, One Happy Is-       bringing the same great
                                                                want and we will deliver        land!” Our company offers     quality of your favorite
                                                                them right to you. People       the service of conveniently   products right to your front
                                                                who live in Aruba as well as    delivering groceries to is-   door.” q
                                                                long term visitors, who stay    land vacationers and any-
                                                                for many months, order
ORANJESTAD – Groceries To      as anyone living in Aruba        from us often. Vacationers
Go Aruba, www.Groceries-       have been enjoying and           who have used our service, is the first    benefitting from our servic-     tell us they will use us again
full service online grocery    es. People have written to       on their return to Aruba
delivery business in Aruba.    thank us for this convenient     as well as tell their friends
Many vacationers as well       service.                         about their positive experi-
                                                                ence using Groceries T o
                                                                Go Aruba. When people
                                                                are busy, they do not want
                                                                to spend time standing in
                                                                line in a grocery store. Gro-
                                                                ceries To Go Aruba deliv-
                                                                ers all your needs wherever
                                                                you live or are staying. An
                                                                excellent benefit to an on-
                                                                line delivery service is that
                                                                you can order online prior
                                                                to your travels and have
                                                                quality freshness waiting for

Loyal Guests Honored at Costa Linda Beach Resort

EAGLE BEACH - Recently         hit and Mrs. Michele Patel
the Aruba Tourism Author-      from New York, celebrating
ity had the great pleasure     their 30th consecutive an-
of honoring a pair of loyal    nual visit to Aruba.
and friendly visitors of Aru-  These special visitors love
ba at Costa Linda Beach        Aruba very much because
Resort as Goodwill Ambas-      of the safety, the beautiful
sadors.                        sunsets, friendly locals, vari-
                               ety of food and the feeling
The symbolic honorary title    of home-away-from-home.
is presented in the name       The certificate was pre-
of the Minister of Tourism as  sented by Ms. Marouska
a token of appreciation to     Heyliger representing the
guests who visit Aruba for     Aruba Tourism Authority to-
20-to-34 consecutive years.    gether associates from the
The honorees were Mr. Ro-      Costa Linda Beach Resort.
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