Page 12 - MIN TTC JUNI 23,2015
P. 12
LOCALTuesday 23 June 2015
A Special Honoring Hosted by the Aruba Tourism Authority!
DRUIF BEACH - Recently the Aruba at the Caribbean of Tourism as a token of ap- Mrs. Barnes loves Aruba sented by Ms. Darline S.
Aruba Tourism Authority Palm Village as a Goodwill preciation to guests who very much, because of the de Cuba representing the
had the great pleasure of Ambassador. The symbolic visit Aruba for 20-to-34 con- friendly Aruban people, Aruba Tourism Authority
honoring a very nice wom- honorary title is presented secutive years. The honor- the climate, beaches, res- together with Mrs. Mislady
an who is a loyal visitor of in the name of the Minister ee was Mrs. Mary F. Barnes taurants and casinos. Fingal of the Caribbean
of Somerset, New Jersey. The certificate was pre- Palm Village. q