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Monday 25 SepteMber 2017
Trump promising huge tax cut; focus on taxes vs health care
By CATHERINE LUCEY and percent would be cut, as occur this week.
MARCY GORDON some Republicans have Republicans have been
Associated Press advocated. split on some core issues.
MORRISTOWN, New Jersey “This is a plan for the middle They are divided over
(AP) — President Donald class and for companies, so whether to add to the na-
Trump is promising “the they can bring back jobs,” tion’s soaring $20 trillion
largest tax cut in the histo- he said. debt with tax cuts. The
ry of our country” that will The plan also is expected GOP also is at odds over
slash rates for the middle to reduce the number of eliminating the federal de-
class and corporations to tax brackets from seven to duction for state and local
spark economic growth three. taxes.
and jobs. Trump spoke as House Re- Republican senators on
Trump said Sunday his “pri- publicans on the tax-writ- opposing sides of the defi-
mary focus” is the tax over- ing Ways and Means Com- cit debate have tenta-
haul rather than last-ditch mittee huddled behind tively agreed on a plan for
efforts to bring a repeal of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin speaks at a press briefing at closed doors to discuss the $1.5 trillion in tax cuts. That
the Obama health care the Hilton Midtown hotel during the United Nations General As- plan. They have promised would add substantially to
program. The health care sembly, in New York, Thursday, Sept. 21, 2017. Associated Press to reveal an outline and the debt and would en-
legislation brought forward possible details of the plan able deeper cuts to tax
by Republicans teetered ristown Municipal Airport. ing out the deficit. later this week, after all Re- rates than would be al-
near failure over the week- Trump’s details weren’t The rate is “going to be publican lawmakers in the lowed if Republicans fol-
end, though said “even- firm. substantially lower so we House get a chance to dis- lowed through on earlier
tually we will win on that.” He said “I hope” the top bring jobs back into our cuss it and put questions to promises that their tax over-
Trump said the tax plan corporate tax rate will be country,” Trump said. the chief architects, includ- haul wouldn’t add to the
that the White House and cut to 15 percent from the Trump also said “We think ing Rep. Kevin Brady, R- budget deficit. That would
congressional Republicans current 35 percent. House we’re going to bring the Texas, who heads the Ways mark an about-face for top
have been working on for Speaker Paul Ryan has individual rate to 10 per- and Means panel. congressional Republicans
months, for the first major said a 15 percent rate is cent or 12 percent, much “We’ll let the White House like Senate Majority Lead-
overhaul of the tax system impractically low, with a lower than it is right now.” determine the timetable” er Mitch McConnell and
in three decades, is “totally rate somewhere in the low- He did not say whether the of releasing the plan, Brady Ryan, who had for months
finalized.” He was speaking to mid-20 percent range tax rate for the wealthiest said following the meeting. promised it wouldn’t add
on the tarmac at the Mor- more viable to avoid blow- Americans, now at 39.6 He added it will “definitely” to the deficit.q