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Monday 13 May 2024 LOCAL
Raising awareness Episode CXXV 125
NOORD — Aruba’s Indigenous Cultural Heritage the technological advance they could carry
is meticulously researched, documented, pre- out more sophisticated studies and thus ob-
sented and preserved by Etnia Nativa. tain more accurate data on how our ancestors
lived. Based on the concept “to leave things in
Our collection consists in objects displayed in a their place…” Etnia Nativa pride itself on pro-
permanent exhibition. These objects, along with viding a welcome that emanates from Aruba’s
any relevant information pertaining to them, ethnic roots and the now extinct agro-pottery
coven an era way beyond 9000 years ago and culture. We also advocates for nature preserva-
that lasted till today. Seashells, stone-and ce- tion, creativity and self-consciousness
ramic objects help tell the history of the Pre-Ce-
ramic ancestors evidently (2,500 B.C.-900/1000 We teach that typically a large stones with a
A.C.), the Caquietian Chiefdom (900/1000-1515 smooth depression or bowl worn into the up-
A.C.) and the indigenous peoples who lived per surface was enough to create life around. Qudi must be an old native name for our island`s
during what is now known as the Historic Period The bowl is formed whether by weather or by native grinding stones, since in Papiamento it
(1515-1880 A.C.). the continual and long-term grinding of materi- is called “Piedra di mula” (Pie` di mula) grind-
als by using a smooth hand-held manga, stone ing stone. However the word qudi also means
Our practice doesn’t differ to that of archae- (aka: mano) for a proficient method of turning a depression or hole in a hard rock surface or
ologists and historians, “to leave things in their grains into flour. The laborious action consists of bolder that can hold rain water for a longer
place to the guard of any alteration”, thus a horizontal grinding motion that differs from the time, which is till the next rain fall. qudi as water-
keeping archaeological details in their origi- vertical crushing motion used in a mortar and holes, small sink holes in the flat lime stone floor
nal place because in the near future and with pestle. Deeper metate bowls indicate either a where coral meets the rocky island and where
longer period of use or greater degree of ac- little springs sometimes occurs. Now the qudi
tivity. In traditional Amerindian culture, Qudi`s as a native Aruban milling stone is a symbol of
were typically used by women who would grind sedentary survival that goes back thousands of
maize and other organic materials during food years. One of Aruba`s native heritage symbols.
preparation. Making a sort of tortillas, cachapa Ancestral milling stone or qudi accompanied
or pan batí bread. Beyond grinding cereals, by its prefect shaped pestle or manga.
seeds and legumes, qudi`s where used to elab-
orate healing potions, grinding clay, milling fish To get to know more over Aruba’s its origins,
bones, extract natural dye of vegetation and flora, fauna and cultural heritage, we highly
minerals and in the elaboration of ropes, an recommend this private cultural encounter ses-
unimaginable ways of usage and applications. sion has been educating participants for de-
Sad is the unfathomable loss Island cultural heri- cades. Mail us at or
tage has suffers through illegal export to foreign Whatsapp + 297 592 2702 for an amazing island
collector’s during the late 70`s. hour.q
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would For today we received a lovely message from
like to portrait you! By inviting you to send us our awesome visitors Ed Spence and his family
your favorite vacation picture while enjoying from New York, USA.
our Happy Island.
They wrote to us saying: “Aruba means to us
Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is ……. coming home. In a land of gorgeous sunsets,
Send your picture with that text (including your the bluest blues in the world and the friendliest
name and where you are from) to: news@aru- people in the entire Caribbean we are never and we will publish your vaca- disappointed by our trips to Aruba. Aruba has
tion memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep the perfect weather, the warmest people and
your best moments alive? Please do note: By the safest family vacation spot. Aruba recharg-
submitting photos, text or any other materials, es our soul allowing us to get through another
you give permission to The Aruba Today News- year in the cold northeast US. We have come
paper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of to Aruba for nearly 20 years and we never get
its affiliated companies to use said materials, bored. There is always something new to do
as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional and experience. It’s better in Aruba!”
purposes without compensation.
Thank you for sending us this wonderful mes-
Last but not least: check out our website, Insta- sage sharing what Aruba means to you with us
gram and Facebook page! Thank you for sup- and our readers! q
porting our free newspaper, we strive to make
you a happy reader every day again.